Edit a Plan
To edit the plan, complete one of the following actions:
Navigate to the Plans table and select Edit from the right-click actions menu of the plan.
Navigate to the plan information page and select Actions > Edit.
Navigate to the Schedule table and select Edit from the right-click actions menu of the top node .
1. From the Edit Plan window, complete the following fields:
Enter a plan name. The name must be unique within the context.
Enter a brief description of the plan.
Plan Start
Click the calendar icon to select a plan start date.
Fixed Cost
Any unique charges associated with the plan that are separate from activity costs.
Select the user responsible for managing the plan execution. If you are a context manager, then you are the default owner. Otherwise, a user is selected from the context manager list.
Plan owners can modify plan attributes.
2. Under Preferences, complete the following fields:
Select one of the following options:
Standard—8-hour workday, Monday through Friday
24 Hours—Work hours are 24 hours per day, 7 days a week
Currency Symbol
The currency symbol that is used for costs. By default, this is the dollar sign ($).
The default value is determined by the Project Planning > Currency Symbol preference.
Execution Control
The type of execution mode for a plan.
The execution mode can be changed only for a scheduled plan.
If a subplan refers to objects in another plan, or, objects in this plan are referred by subplans in another plan, the execution mode cannot be changed.
Currency Placement
The placement of the currency symbol in relation to the cost amount.
The default value is determined by the Project Planning > Currency Placement preference.
Linked Deliverable
Indicates that activities, milestones, and deliverables have a dependency relationship. For more information, see Linking Deliverables with Activities.
Currency Decimal Digits
Determines how many digits are included after the decimal when representing cost. For example, a cost of twenty dollars would be represented as follows:
Costs are rounded to the nearest decimal. For example, if a user enters a cost of $25.68 and the decimal digit is set to 1, then the cost appears as $26.7.
The default value is determined by the Project Planning > Currency Decimal Digits preference.
3. Click OK.
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