CSV File
The CSV file displays tabular information on faulty and dependent-on-faulty objects. The table contains the following columns:
Stage of export: The stage in the zipping process in which the faulty or dependent-on-faulty object was identified. For more information, refer to the given table.
Message ID: This indicates whether the object is faulty or dependent on faulty.
Message value: The reason that caused the zipping process to fail.
Identity: The display ID of the faulty or dependent-on-faulty object.
Local ID: The internal ID of the faulty or dependent-on-faulty object.
Context path: The path of the context where the faulty or dependent-on-faulty object is stored.
Dependent on: The display ID of the faulty object on which the given object is dependent.
Local ID: The internal ID of the faulty object on which the given object is dependent.
The following table explains the different stages of export that are listed in a CSV file:
Stage of Export
Strategy for Failure
Failure Information Reporting
Collecting objects and their dependents during zipping
Fail fast
Failure log is created. CSV file is not created.
Collecting and storing information for creating incremental package creation
Fail the entire stage, except export
Failure information is displayed in the failure log. The stage reported in the CSV file is PreExport.
Preparing for export during batch processing
Batch failure; that is, all the objects in a batch, whether faulty or non-faulty, are reported as faulty.
Failure information is displayed in the failure log. The stages reported in the CSV file are as follows:
IX - Prepare export (batch)
IX - Prepare attribute export (batch)
Exporting object metadata
Only a particular object is reported as faulty.
Failure information is displayed in the failure log. The stage reported in the CSV file is IX- Object metadata export.
Post-export processing
This stage deals with additional processing after object metadata export is completed. Multiple operations are performed in this stage. If any failure is encountered when performing an operation, the operation is marked as failed. However, subsequent operations are still performed. Some of these operations may result in creation of package metadata files, such as package manifest files and missing object files. Operations not resulting in creation of associated metadata files include processing delivery content to display in UI.
Only a particular operation is marked as failed. No impact on post-export processing operations.
Failure information is displayed in the failure log. The stages reported in the CSV file are as follows:
Package - Post export
Failure when performing an operation without associated metadata.
Package - Package metadata export
Failure when performing an operation with associated metadata, such as delivery attachments or zip files.
Identifying dependents for faulty objects
Dependent-on-faulty objects are valid objects, but they cannot be imported because of their dependency on objects which are marked as faulty.
Failure information is not given in the failure log. The stages reported in the CSV file are as follows:
Post export - Dependency collection
IX - Dependency collection
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