Meeting Information Page
Windchill meetings allow you to schedule conferences with team members. Meetings are only available if Windchill ProjectLink is installed at your site. For more information, see Meetings.
The meeting information page is a collection point for information related to the meeting. The information page of a meeting is accessible by clicking the information icon next to a meeting in the Meetings and My Meetings tables.
From the information page, you can perform actions on a meeting, as well as view the meeting attributes and any related information. For an overview of information page functionality, see About Information Pages and Customizing Information Page Tabs.
Information pages contain a list of applicable actions in the Actions menu, found on the left side of the page next to the object name.
The actions that appear vary depending on the meeting type and the Windchill solutions installed at your site. Several actions are only available to the meeting creator.
The availability of these actions depends on the status of the object as well as your access to it. For more information, see Object Status and Understanding Data Accessibility.
See Common Actions for a list of options frequently available from the Actions menu.
Begin a meeting as its host.
This action is only available for web-based meetings, and only the meeting creator can host a meeting.
Open the Add Minutes window, where you can enter and edit the meeting minutes.
Open the Edit Meeting window, where you can edit the meeting attributes.
Edit Access Control
Use the Access table to manage the accessibility of information and actions associated with a meeting. For more information, see About Security Management.
Edit Security Labels
View and change the security label values currently set on the meeting. For more information, see Viewing and Setting Security Labels on Existing Objects.
You can customize the tabs that appear on each object information page to display the information most useful to you.
When you create a new tab , the Customize menu appears, allowing you to view any additional information tables that might not appear on the default tabs. For more information, see Customizing Information Page Tabs.
Administrators might have modified the default tabs that are viewable to you.
Displays the attributes associated with each meeting. For a list of attributes commonly available in Windchill, see Object Attributes.
In addition to common attributes, the following might appear:
Subject—The meeting name.
Host—The meeting creator.
Meeting Type
Standard—A standard meeting is held in-person at a set location, or through a teleconference.
Web-based—A web-based meeting is conducted online using WebEx. For more information on WebEx, visit their website at
Meeting Status—The status is set to Scheduled, Completed, or In Progress.
If a meeting is created in the My Meetings table, the status is set to Scheduled by default and cannot be changed.
Date—The day on which the meeting is scheduled to occur.
Time—The time at which the meeting is scheduled to start.
Duration (minutes)—The expected length of time of the meeting.
Location—The room in which a standard meeting is scheduled to take place.
Teleconference Phone Number—The call-in number for the meeting.
Teleconference Information—Additional information (such as a passcode) that teleconference participants may need.
Minutes—The meeting minutes. These minutes are added using the Add Minutes action. Minutes documents are available under the Related Objects tab.
Agenda—Agenda information added to the meeting. This information is entered under the Set Attributes step when creating or editing a meeting. Agenda documents are available under the Related Objects tab.
Related Objects
Displays information about objects directly associated with the meeting:
Meeting Objects
Includes any Windchill objects associated with the meeting, such as supplementary materials or information relevant to the discussion.
Click the add icon or use the clipboard to add existing objects to the meeting. Select an object and click the remove icon to disassociate it from the meeting.
Includes users, groups, and organizations that have been invited to the meeting.
Click the add icon to invite more participants or click the remove icon to remove selected members.
Includes agenda reports or other agenda documents associated with the meeting.
Click the add icon or use the clipboard to add existing documents to the meeting.
Includes minutes reports or other minutes documents associated with the meeting.
Click the add icon or use the clipboard to add existing documents to the meeting.
The following tables are available from the Customize menu. To view the Customize menu, you must create a new tab . For more information, click the help icon available in each table.
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