Scheduling Revaulting
You can create revaulting schedules to control when content for a vault is revaulted. For background information about revaulting, see About Revaulting. Revaulting is managed by the file synchronization process. For more information about file synchronization, see About External File Vaults.
Revaulting is scheduled from the External Storage Scheduling window. To access it, select Utilities > File Server Administration > Revaulting Scheduler, available from Products , Libraries , and Site .
To schedule revaulting:
1. In the External Storage Scheduling window, click to create a new schedule or select an existing schedule and click to modify a schedule.
2. From the Main Vault list, select the vault that will be revaulted.
3. Select a start time:
Immediate—Revaulting will begin as soon as possible.
On Schedule—Revaulting will begin at the date and time that you specify.
4. Select a frequency:
Once—Revaulting will occur only once.
Periodic—Revaulting will occur periodically at the interval that you specify. The default interval is every day (that is, every 24 hours).
It is recommended that you set revaulting to occur periodically beginning at a date and time that you specify. Use the On Schedule and Periodic options to accomplish this.
5. Click OK.
You can create more than one revaulting cycle for a vault. There are situations when this might be necessary, such as when a mounted drive that contains a file vault mount is temporarily unavailable during the revaulting process. In this case, you may want to perform revaulting using the Immediate and Once options.
When you modify the frequency of an existing revaulting schedule, the change takes effect after the next revaulting operation. The next run occurs according to the previous schedule.
For example, if there is a revaulting schedule that takes place every 7 days (on Saturdays) and you change frequency from 7 days to 1 day on Monday, then the next scheduled revaulting still on Saturday and begins to take place every day from Saturday forward.
If it is not acceptable to wait until next run to update the schedule, you can do one of the following:
Delete the existing schedule and create a new one with the new frequency. (This is the preferred approach.)
Create one or more schedules with a frequency of Once for the period of time before the change takes effect.
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