Identifying Problems with Change Notices (CNs)
This section describes common problems and possible causes that relate to CNs. A bulleted list of common problems follows. You can use the links to go directly to the information for the problem you are experiencing. If you do not see the problem you are experiencing in the list, or the suggested course of action does not solve the problem, contact your system administrator.
Can’t create a CN
CN in SAP displays an effectivity date of “01/01/3001” and is active
All parts appear on the CN in SAP but they do not appear in the ESITarget plant(s)
The CN create operation appeared to be successful but warning messages appeared (40316)
Can’t create a CN
The following can cause this problem:
Invalid or missing attributes
Incorrect date format
Incorrect or invalid ESITarget plant(s) assigned to part
User is looking in wrong ESITarget plant(s) in SAP
CN in SAP displays an effectivity date of “01/01/3001” and is active
Windchill ESI creates CNs in SAP via a multistep process. The first step establishes a temporary effectivity date of “01/01/3001,” which a subsequent step updates to the correct date. The Windchill user likely attempted to add invalid part(s) on the CN, so Windchill ESI processing failed in the middle of the CN creation and the temporary effectivity date of “01/01/3001” remained.
All parts appear on the CN in SAP but they do not appear in the ESITarget plant(s)
Windchill ESI first adds materials to the CN, and then creates or changes them in ESITarget plant(s). Windchill ESI may have failed during the process.
The CN create operation appeared to be successful but warning messages appeared (40316)
The CN create operation appeared to be successful in the Windchill Enterprise Systems Transaction Log, but the following warning message appeared (40316).
40316: “SAP CCAP_CN_CREATE Returned Functional Error: Assuming CN Already Exists and Continuing Processing of CN”
CNs in SAP are not plant-specific; therefore, CNs sent to multiple ESITarget plant(s) in the same SAP system and client cause Windchill ESI to send redundant messages to SAP that can be safely ignored.
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