Creating Windchill Documents
You can add a new document using the following methods:
Create a single document in Windchill with or without primary content.
This action provides an optional step allowing you to add secondary content (attachments) during the document creation process.
Create a new document from a primary content file that provides standard a format.
Create multiple documents in Windchill at once with different primary content source types.
Attachments cannot be defined during this action. However, you can later edit each document to provide that information.
Create multiple documents in Windchill at once from files and folders saved in a compressed file (ZIP or JAR).
Once installed, you can use Windchill Desktop Integration to create new documents directly from Microsoft Office applications and Windows Explorer.
You can drag and drop one or more documents over the Folder Contents table. The New Multiple Documents window opens:
The actions that are available depend on the Windchill solutions you have installed and the preferences set at your site.
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