Creating a Chart
Charts provide a means for graphically presenting the data in a table. Charts display above the table on which they are based.
1. Click the new chart icon in the table toolbar or select New Chart from the Actions menu.
2. In the New Chart window, select the columns from the table that you want to chart from First Axis Value and Second Axis Value. You must select at least a First Axis Value column for a chart to display. Not all chart types require two columns to be selected.
At least two unique values in the data for the selected column are required for a chart to be displayed. If there are less than two values (zero or one), then an error message displays in the interactive pane.
3. Enter Chart Title, Horizontal Axis Label, and Vertical Axis Label values, or accept the defaults provided. The defaults are based on the column or columns selected as the axis values.
4. Select the Chart Layout options for your chart. The resulting chart displays in the preview pane to the right. As you change settings, the preview pane updates to display the chart as it will display above your table.
The chart types available are determined by the data types of the column selections for the First Axis Value and Second Axis Value; the remaining chart layout options available are determined by the selected chart type. Any options that are not available are inactive.
Chart Layout Options
(chart type icons)
Select the chart type.
The available chart types are determined by the data types of the column selections for the First Axis Value and Second Axis Value. Chart types that are not applicable for the selected columns are inactive.
For more information, see Chart Types
Show Y axis grid
Select to display grid lines for the Y axis. By default, the Y axis grid is not displayed.
Show X axis grid
Select to display grid lines for the X axis. By default, the X axis grid is not displayed.
Show data labels
Select to label the bars or slices on the chart. By default, no labels display.
Show tooltips
Select to display additional data when you rollover the point, bar, or slice with your mouse. By default, tooltips are shown.
Show background
Select to add a background to the chart. By default, no background is shown.
Show labels horizontally
Select to force the X axis labels to display horizontally. Some labels may not display if there is not room along the X axis. By default, labels are not shown horizontally.
Show legend
Select to display a legend for a pie, stacked column, stacked bar, or clustered column chart. By default, no legend displays.
Select the number of values to display in the chart: 3 values, 5 values, 10 values, 15 values, 20 values, or 25 values. The default is 10 values.
Select the color palette to use for the chart display: Windchill, CUD Compliant (Color Universal Design or CUD is a palette viewable by persons with color blindness), Bright, or Earthtone. The default is Windchill.
Font Size
Select the font size for the chart labels: Small, Medium, or Large. The default is Small.
Show pie as donut
Select to display the pie chart as a donut. By default, the chart displays as a pie.
The Units, Show line, and Show regression line display options apply to chart types that will be available in a future release.
5. Click Add Chart to Table.
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