Cutting or Copying and Pasting Agreements
Agreements can be moved or copied using the following actions:
• Cut and Paste - removes the agreement from the source folder and pastes it in the target folder. These actions are also available for folders in the Agreement Folder Contents table.
• Copy and Paste - creates a copy of the agreement in the target folder while maintaining the original agreement in the source folder. Only the number attribute of the original agreement changes when a new agreement is created using the Copy action. Folders in the Agreement Folder Contents table cannot be copied or pasted.
Agreement folders can be moved using the
Cut and
Paste actions. Agreements in the folder will be moved with the folder, but the objects associated with the agreements in the folder will only be authorized if the folder is moved within the same context as the agreements or to an ancestor context. Agreements cannot be moved across organizations or from the
context to a descendent context using the
Cut and
Paste actions.
To paste an agreement in a new context or folder, the agreement must have a unique number within the context of the destination location. When an agreement is pasted in the new context, the authorized participants and objects are maintained and the agreement will clear the participants for the objects as long as all criteria for an active agreement are met. For more information about active agreements, see
About Agreements.
Only an agreement manager with special access control permissions can copy-paste or cut-paste an agreement to a higher-level context like Organization or Site. For more information, see
Setting Access Control Permissions for Agreement Managers. In case of context-based agreements, moving an agreement to a higher-level context allows it to authorize more number of contexts.
| When a context-based agreement containing multiple contexts is pasted to another context, there will be no change in the list of contexts authorized by it. It is recommended that you review the agreement information after a cut-paste or copy-paste action to ensure that its state, authorized contexts, and other required fields are set as needed. |
| Moving any context-based agreement created prior to Windchill 11.1 M010 causes the authorized context to change, hence the objects on which this agreement applies also change. To prevent all agreement administrators from being able to move context-based agreements and cause access to change for all objects in a context, PTC recommends restricting the number of agreement administrators who have the Create By Move permission for the context-based agreement type. |