Saving a Service Structure as a Master Structure
You can save the organizational structure of an existing service structure to serve as the basis for creating similar structures in the Save as Master Structure window. In this case, only the service structure itself and any included sub-sections such as information structure groups, publication structure sections, publication structure table of contents, and publication structure index components are saved in the new master structure. No relationships to content from the existing structure are saved.
You can open the Save as Master Structure window for a service structure in the following ways:
You can also choose > from the shortcut menu of the service structure top level root.
Follow these steps to save a service structure as a new master structure:
1. Select the Save as Master Structure action for a service structure.
The Save as Master Structure window opens.
2. Modify the options in the Save as Master Structure table as desired.
You can enter a new name for the structure in the Name column. You can also change the Location to a different context.
3. Click OK to save the new master service structure.