전문 관리 > Windchill 환경 구성 > Configuring Windchill Performance Advisor > Windchill Performance Advisor Report Information > Windchill System Information
Windchill System Information
The WindchillSystemInformation.xml report contains the following system information:
The company name and sales order number. This information is displayed in the report only if these details are set in the Windchill Performance Advisor preferences.
The Service Contract Number (SCN), which is set in the wt.support.scn property in wt.properties.
The date and time of the report generation.
One or more email addresses that are stored in the value of the Windchill Performance Advisor > Email Addresses preference.
List of the client browsers that have been used to access Windchill, including the number of accesses for each browser.
Windchill node information
Windchill version information
Number of CPU cores
Java version information
Method server memory information
File vault information (when used, additional vault details, such as vault size, identity provider etc. are collected to track the vault)
Cluster node information (when used)
External system information (the third-party products in use, such as Windchill Directory Server, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server)
Site preference settings
If the Windchill Diagnostic Scheduler is enabled or if the Run Diagnostics Now option is selected, the following reports are generated along with the WindchillSystemInformation.xml report:
WinDUExecutionStatusReport.xml – Contains the following information about the Windchill diagnostic jobs (WINDU) that were executed:
Job Start Time
Job End Time
Job Status
Execution Frequency
WinRUExecutionStatusReport.xml – Contains the following information about the Windchill healing jobs (WINRU) that were executed for the failed diagnostic jobs (WINDU):
Job Start Time
Job End Time
Healing Status
Execution Frequency