전문 관리 > Windchill 환경 구성 > Configuring Windchill Performance Advisor > Windchill Performance Advisor Report Information
Windchill Performance Advisor Report Information
The performance advisor reports are saved on your system under the following top-level directory:
where <Windchill> is the Windchill installation directory.
When the reports are generated, Windchill creates a subdirectory under the top-level directory using the date and time that the report was generated. The subdirectory name uses the Java date-time format:
For example, if the reports are generated on March 20, 2011 at 2 hours, 36 minutes, 42 seconds, and 55 milliseconds after noon, then a subdirectory with the following name is created:
Windchill then stores the generated report named LicensingReport.xml and WindchillSystemInformation.xml in that subdirectory.
When the report is sent to PTC, a copy of what is sent is stored in the following directory by default:
For each report generated, Windchill completes the following:
Sends an XML file that contains the report.
Generates a PROPERTIES file that contains the metadata used to send the XML file.
These files are named using the date and time that the report was generated and sent in following formats:
For example, assume the following:
The report is generated on March 24, 2013 at 2 hours, 36 minutes, 42 seconds, and 55 milliseconds after noon.
The report is sent on March 24, 2013 at 2:37 PM from the myhost234 machine using the 5828 process ID.
Then, the following files are created:
Windchill uses a special performance advisor instance of the wt.jmx.core.transport properties to define settings that do the following:
Identify the mechanism to use to send the report.
Save the local copy.
Do not make any changes to the existing performance advisor instance of these properties that is being used. For information about other uses for the wt.jmx.core.transport properties, see Sending System Information to Technical Support.
After the send operation completes successfully, a copy of the XML file sent to PTC and the generated PROPERTIES remain in the <Windchill>/utilities/PerformanceAdvisor/reports/sent directory.
Viewing the Performance Advisor Reports that are Generated
You can view the contents of the performance advisor reports in the following ways:
Opening the zip files that has been sent to PTC. A copy of this file is available in the <PA_Agent>/Reports/collect folder.
Generate a local copy of the report by clicking Preview Data on the Windchill Performance Advisor dialog box. See Windchill Performance Advisor Utility for more information.