特殊な管理 > サポートされるビジュアリゼーションとパブリッシング > WTDocument Coversheets Configuration and Customization > Sample Configuration Steps for Creating a Document Coversheet
Sample Configuration Steps for Creating a Document Coversheet
To configure the Adobe Experience Manager with WVS to create a PDF document coversheet, perform the following steps:
1. Use the xconfmanager utility (located in the <Windchill>/bin directory) to edit the wvs.properties.xconf file to set the following properties:
Set the Adobe Experience Manager information:
<Property default=" http\://adobelc-host\:8080/soap/services/AssemblerService "
<Property default="$(edrload.livecycle.assembler.serviceurl)?WSDL&amp;
lc_version=9.0.0" name="edrload.livecycle.assembler.wsdlurl"/>
<Property default="PRODUCTVIEW R&amp;D" name="edrload.livecycle.
<Property default="$(wt.home)$(wvs.dir.sep)livecycleauth.properties"
Use the fourth property above in Step #3.
Set the Adobe Experience Manager Delegate and its method for the document coversheet:
<Property name="edrload.livecycle.delegate"
default="com.ptc.coversheet.wvs.LiveCycleDelegate/getLiveCycleInvocationParams" />
Republish the document upon change
<Property default="true" name="publish.republishondocumentchange"/>
2. Add the following properties in Windchill\codebase\wvs.properties.xconf:
<Property default="OFFICE" name="worker..DOC">
<Property default="OFFICE" name="worker..PDF">
<Property default="OFFICE" name="worker..PPT">
<Property default="OFFICE" name="worker..XLS">
<Property default="OFFICE" name="worker..DOCX">
<Property default="OFFICE" name="worker..PPTX">
<Property default="OFFICE" name="worker..XLSX">
3. Create the livecycleauth.properties file (shown in Step #1) in the WT_HOME directory, adding the line below. This is the username and password for authenticating to the Adobe Experience Manager.
4. Configure the OFFICE worker. See the Creo View MCAD Adapters Installation and Configuration Guide for worker configuration guidelines.
5. Install xconf as follows: xconfManager -i %WT_HOME%\codebase\com\ptc\coversheet\template.properties.xconf
6. Propagate all properties: xconfManager –p.
The following figure provides a conceptual illustration of the interaction between the Experience Manager Delegate and the Worker.
For additional information about WVS and the Adobe Experience Manager, consult the Windchill Visualization Services Guide, available at PTC’s Reference Documents website.