Administration spécialisée > Prise en charge de la visualisation et de la publication > WVS Publisher > Publisher Queues and Jobs > Configuring Publisher Queues > Configuring Additional Publisher Queues
Configuring Additional Publisher Queues
To configure additional processing queues, follow the steps below:
1. Calculate the number of queues you need for optimal publication. See Sizing a Visualization publishing system in the Windchill and Creo View Visualization Getting Started Guide.
2. Create the required new numbered processing queues using the Windchill Queue Management utility, for example PublisherQueue2 and PublisherQueue3, etc. For information on creating a new queue, see “Configuring Publisher Queue and Worker Availability”.
If multiple Background Method Servers are configured, set the queue group to the defined WVS group.
WVS begins to use this queue right away. To keep WVS Job Monitor Details for completed WVS Jobs, continue on to Step 3. If you want to remove the completed queue entries, you are done.
3. Configure Windchill to retain completed WVS Job details.
Out of the box, Windchill is set up to delete all information for completed publish jobs that are processed in any queues other than PublisherQueue1 and PublisherQueue2. To retain the WVS Job Details logging information for additional queues in any queue set, perform the following:
a. For each additional processing queue, use the xconfmanager command to add the required removeCompleted properties to the file.
For example, to prevent deletion of completed jobs from the first queue in the Publisher Queue Set, “PROE”:
xconfmanager -t codebase/ -s "wt.queue.removeCompleted.
b. Propagate the changes by executing the xconfmanager -p command.
c. Restart the Windchill Method Server.
For more information on the properties that configure retaining or removing completed queue entries, see CS32811.