Installation et mise à niveau > Guide de mise à niveau > The Windchill Upgrade Procedure > Gather Vault Information > Upgrade Vaults and File Servers
Upgrade Vaults and File Servers
Before running upgrade, you must decide how to handle vaults during the upgrade. Even if Windchill has not been configured to use Vaults, it uses a default cache vault which might contain content that has not been re-vaulted. The Upgrade Manager provides three options to handle vaults during upgrade:
1. Configure different file vault host information
2. Keep existing file vault host information from source database
3. Do Not Update File Vault Data
Option 1 is the default option. To use this option, you must copy the directories containing vaulted file content from the source system to another system. To identify the directories that must be copied, open the Vault Configuration window on the source system and record the folders it lists under the local master site. When copying the folders and their contents to the new host, make sure that the exact same folder structure from the source system is used on the other system to which you copied the content. For example, if the path for the mount point is E:\PDMPJL91M060_FS\vaults\upload_master\upload_master_on_replica_Folder1 on the source system, the folder structure needs to be the same on the new host, including the disk name. The new host must be able to access the vault content using existing vault/folder mounts. PTC recommends using FTP in binary mode to copy the file content.
See the section About External File Vaults on your source system for assistance.
When this option is selected, the existing vault information will be displayed and you will be prompted to enter the new hostname, where the vault content has been copied to, for each existing hostname. You cannot proceed away from the phase until you have entered values for each host that needs updating. This is the recommended option for test upgrades.
Option 2 should only be selected for production upgrade, because vaulted content would be updated during upgrade. If this option is used during a test upgrade, there is a risk of production vault data being updated. When this option is selected, existing vault information will be displayed and no other action is required from the user.
Option 3 disables Vaults. This option may be used during test upgrades when vaulted data is not available. Selecting this option means that only the metadata will be upgraded, therefore it is not recommended because necessary updates to vaulted data will not occur. This option should not be used for production upgrades. For more information, see Vaults and File Servers.
The Upgrade Manager provides the following options to handle file servers during upgrade:
Update file server configuration
When this option is selected, the existing file server URLs and host names will be displayed under each replica configured on the source server and the user will be prompted to enter the new file server URLs and host names. The new URLs and host names should point to the new file servers where the target release has been installed. The user must enter values for each file server URL and host name before proceeding.
Make sure that you do not provide production file server host names and URLs for test upgrades. This might result in data corruption on the production system. This option requires you to install file server sites before starting the master site upgrade.
Manually Configure file servers post upgrade
This option is available if file servers have not been configured before upgrade. Choose this option if the source windchill system has no file server configured. If source system has file servers configured, choosing this option requires the file servers to be updated and configured manually after the master site has been upgraded. When this option is selected, file server URLs and host names are set to invalid names to avoid production file server access during test upgrades. If you are upgrading a solution with one or more file servers having master vaults , this option is not available if you select any of the following options in Vault Mode:
Configure different file vault host information
Keep existing file vault host information from source database
This is because certain tasks in the upgrade process require access to file content on a replica master vault.
Keep existing file server Configuration -
This option is provided for production upgrades when target file servers are installed on the same host machines where source file servers existed.
If you have installed security labels and it is causing a file upload to select a Windchill file server other than your preferred one, or a file upload is failing, you must grant necessary permissions to the Site Principal. For details, refer to Managing Authorized Participants.