Administration spécialisée > Administration Info*Engine > Performing Info*Engine Administration Activities > Using Task Delegate Administration > Delegate Components > Type Identifier
Type Identifier
Delegates are configured to apply to specific object types. A type identifier identifies a business object type supported by a repository type. Object type LDAP entries serve mainly to register the names of supported object types for a particular repository type and to establish roots of subtrees under the repository type that contain entries defining the task delegates which can operate on those object types. A type identifier is assigned when a delegate is created.
When creating a delegate for use with the SOAP RPC servlet, you must specify a type identifier. The type identifier is the logical class that you are using in your SOAP client.
When a type identifier is created, it is named and assigned to a repository type. One or more super types can also be selected for the type identifier from a list of existing type identifiers. If a super type is specified, the type identifier inherits the attributes and delegates of the super type.
For more information on creating, updating, and deleting type identifiers, see Managing Type Identifiers.