Administration spécialisée > Administration Info*Engine > Performing Info*Engine Administration Activities > Using Task Delegate Administration
Using Task Delegate Administration
The Task Delegate Administration utility provides a user interface for creating and updating delegates. There are three general uses for delegates:
Delegates are used by the SOAP RPC servlet to identify which Info*Engine task should be executed when the information provided in the SOAP request specifies a SOAP client class and method.
Task delegates are used in federating Windchill and provide access to Windchill for non-Java-based programs .
Delegates are used by the Dispatch-Tasks webject in executing specified tasks.
Delegates are stored in the Windchill and can be created or updated using the Task Delegate Administration utility.
If you are writing tasks and then manually creating task delegates, you should consider packaging and deploying your tasks instead. This will automate the construction of the required LDAP infrastructure for you and make your set of tasks distributable to other systems if necessary. For additional information about packaging, see Packages.
To access online help for the Task Delegate Administration utility, click the following link from the menu on the right of the page:
The Windchill Help Center opens in a new window, directing you to an appropriate help topic.
Accessing the Task Delegate Administration Utility
You can access the Task Delegate Administration utility in the following ways:
Log on to the Property Administration utility and then click the [Task Delegate Administration] link.
From a web browser on the host where Info*Engine is installed, enter:
This URL assumes that the web server uses the default port. If it does not, include the port number after localhost: