Administration spécialisée > Prise en charge de la visualisation et de la publication > WVS Publisher > Publisher Queues and Jobs > General Publishing Process
General Publishing Process
1. Create a Publish Job from any one of the following sources:
On Demand: From the User interface
Click Create Default Representation on the Windchill Details tab
Execute the New Representation wizard in the Representations/Annotations table
Event/On Checkin of CAD documents or Checkin or upload of Windchill documents: WVS Publisher Listeners
Schedule Jobs: WVS Job Scheduler Administration UI
Direct or workflow driven execution of the doPublish method from customized implementation.
You can control the creation of a Publish Job using customized filters configured by setting related properties in the file. For more information see Additional Configurations of Publisher Queues.
2. The Publish Job is added, with a target method of queueJob to a prioritized waiting queue determined by the WVS Job Type and Source. For more information on configuring the priority of a Publish Job, see Additional Configurations of Publisher Queues.
3. The Publish Job is executed in a numbered processing queue. By default, Windchill has one processing queue. For increased efficiency, or to process more than one job at a time, add processing queues. For information on adding processing queues, see Additional Configurations of Publisher Queues.
4. The Publish Job then calls the Worker Agent if conversion from a native document format to a Creo View viewable format is required. The Workers managed by the Worker Agent are configured using the Configuration wizard. The Configuration wizard is accessed from the Windchill Worker Agent Administration UI and stored in the agent.ini file.
5. After the data is converted by the Worker, it is sent back to the Worker Agent.
6. The Worker Agent then sends the data to the WVS Loader.
7. The WVS Loader then adds a thumbnail image and loads it into the Windchill database for retrieval.