Prestaciones adicionales > Windchill Supplier Management > Windchill Supplier Management Administration > Navigating Windchill Supplier Management > Sourcing Rules > Executing Rules
Executing Rules
When you execute a rule, it is applied to all existing supplier parts that meet the rule’s criteria. The rules are executed using a queue.
To execute a sourcing rule:
1. Access the Sourcing Rules table and select the row that lists the rule that you want to execute.
2. Select the execute rule icon .
The status of the rule changes to Executing.
To check the status of the rule execution, go to Site  ▶ Utilities > Queue Management and view the table in the utility. When rule's execution is complete, its status changes to Active.
You can also check the rule execution status on-the-fly by clicking to refresh the table. The status does not refresh automatically.