Search Results Table
Advanced and global search results appear under the Search tab in the Navigator. The Search Results table displays all objects returned for your search.
In situations where a search operation returns a large number of objects, you can search within the
Search Results table using the toolbar search action. Enter a text fragment into the
Search in table field and click the search icon
. To return the entire results set, remove the text fragment and search again. For more information and tips, see
Personalizing Tables and
Searching Within Tables.
Search Result Attribute Columns
You can configure the
Search Results table columns to fit your needs. However, the options available depend on how many object types are included in the
search criteria:
• If your search includes additional attribute values under Criteria, the search table automatically adds a column for each attribute included in the search (if not already included in the default table view).
• You can create a customized table view to include additional attributes. When you search for a single type, all of the attributes related to that type are available to be added as columns to the search results table. For more information, see
Customizing Table Views.
• If you select All Types or more than one object type, then the available columns for a custom table view only includes attributes that are common among object types, such as Name, Number, and Last Modified. You cannot add a column to display attributes that are specific to one or more types.
| Use the Text Preview column to view the keyword as it appears in the text. For more information, see Keyword. |
Search Result Actions
The following actions appear at the top of the Search tab:
• Edit Search Criteria—Return to the search criteria to edit your criteria and search again. If you initially performed a global search, the keyword and object types are entered in the search criteria under Advanced Search.
• Start a New Search—Return to the search criteria and reset the fields to their default values.
• Save This Search—Save the current search criteria for later use. For more information, see
Saving a Search.
You can perform several actions on the objects displayed in the Search Results table. Actions are available from the table toolbar and from the Actions menu.
• The actions that appear in the right-click menu depend on the object type. For definitions of the most common actions, see
Actions Common Among Objects.
• The availability of actions depends on the object type,
individual user access, and the
Windchill solutions installed at your site.
• Additional actions are available from the right-click actions menu in the table rows. The actions that appear depend on the object type. For more information about right-click actions, search the
Windchill Help Center for the object type or action name. You can browse related objects by clicking the show in table of contents icon
in the upper right corner.
| When you perform an action on an object from the Search Results table, the table usually refreshes to reflect your changes. Whether the table refreshes depends on the action. For example, when you perform the Rename action on an object, the table refreshes to display the new object name. However, the table does not refresh after you perform the Revise action on an object. |