Editing Agreements
To edit an agreement using the
Edit action, the agreement must first be
checked out.
To implement changes, the agreement must be checked in. Objects added to an agreement are not accessible by the authorized participants until the modified agreement has been checked in. Similarly, objects removed from an agreement remain accessible to the authorized participants until the modified agreement has been checked in.
The Edit Agreement action divides editing agreements into the following steps:
1. Set Attributes
Modify select attributes of the agreement. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. For more information, see
Agreement Attributes.
To change the name or number of an agreement, use the Rename action.
2. Select Authorized Contexts
This wizard step appears only if you selected the Type attribute value in the first wizard step as ContextBasedAgreement or any subtype of it.
Using this step, you can add multiple contexts to a context-based agreement. This gives you the flexibility to authorize multiple contexts from a single agreement. As you cannot add higher-level contexts, create your context-based agreement at a level where you can include one or more contexts as required.
From the
Select Authorized Contexts wizard, you can add or remove contexts for your agreement by using the actions available in the
Authorized Contexts table.
◦ To add contexts to your agreement, click

. The
Find Contexts window lists all the contexts for which you have Read permission.
| You can add only the current context and the child contexts of your current context. It is mandatory to add at least one context. |
◦ To add the current context in the
Authorized Contexts table, click

◦ To remove contexts from the
Authorized Contexts table, select the check box corresponding to the context you want to remove and click

3. Select Authorized Security Label Values
| This step is only available if it has been configured for your site. |
Authorize only the selected security label values. Each security label that has values associated with the selected agreement type is listed in the Select Authorized Security Label Values step. The current settings can be modified when you edit an agreement.
Security label values listed under the Authorize drop-down list are security labels that restrict access for some users. Security label values listed under Unrestricted Values are not configured to restrict access from any user and are commonly used as an informational marking.
◦ To clear access for all current and future configured security label values for the selected agreement type, select All Applicable Values from the drop-down list for a standard security label or All Values from the drop-down list for a custom security label.
◦ To clear access for only certain configured security label values for the selected agreement type, select Selected Values from the drop-down list for a standard security label and then choose specific values to be authorized. Values that cannot be selected restrict user access, but have not been configured for this agreement type.
◦ To prevent clearance for the configured security label values, select No Values from the drop-down list for a standard or custom security label.
| Because agreements associated with custom security labels apply to all values of the custom label, you can only authorize all label values or no label values for the custom security label. |
4. Select Life Cycle States
Only authorize the objects in the selected life cycle states. By default, the life cycle states specified when the agreement was created are authorized. To select specific states, deselect the Authorize objects in all life cycle states checkbox and use the Authorized Life Cycle States list to specify at least one life cycle state in which a participant is granted temporary clearance to the authorized objects.
5. Select Authorized Objects
| If you are editing a context-based agreement, this step does not appear because all objects in the current context are authorized. |
Search for objects within the scope of the agreement using find object

or, if you have copied objects to the clipboard, select the objects you want to include in the authorized object list using paste

. Zero or more objects can be selected and there is no limit to the number of objects that can be associated with an agreement. By
customizing the view of this table, you can also add columns to display security label values corresponding to the authorized objects listed in the table.
After objects have been added to the table, you can search for related objects using the collection picker

or remove objects from the table using remove selected objects

. Objects selected using the
Collection Picker can be outside the scope of the agreement, but they are not accessible through the agreement unless they are moved within the scope of the agreement.
After adding authorized objects, you can
edit authorized revisions
for individual versioned objects using the row-level action or groups of versioned objects using the table-level action.
Some objects are not security-labeled. Objects that cannot have a security label cannot be added to the
Authorized Objects table. For more information about which objects can have security labels, see
Object Types Exposing Security Labels.
6. Select Authorized Related Changes
Determine which change object types should be authorized through the agreement. If any authorized object has a related change object of the specified type, authorized participants of the agreement are able to access the related change object.
Use the Do not authorize access to any related change types checkbox if you do not want any related change types authorized. To authorize specific change types, use the following procedure:
a. Clear the Do not authorize access to any related change types checkbox.
b. Click the Find button.
The Find Type window opens.
c. Select at least one change object type from the list of available object types and click OK.
The selected type is added to the Authorized Types list.
| Adding a change notice to the list of authorized related change types also adds change tasks. |
To remove a type from the list of Authorized Types, click the Find button and uncheck the types you want to remove. At least one authorized type must be specified or the Do not authorize access to any related change types checkbox must be checked.
7. Select Authorized Participants
Participants can be added to the
Authorized Participants table using find participant

. Select participants (users, groups, or organizations) from the
Find Participant window. The search is not limited to the context in which the agreement resides. Any user, group, or organization can be added to an agreement.
| • If the Restricted Directory Search checkbox is not selected when the organization is created or edited, searching for participants (users, user-defined groups, or organizations) in other organizations is only allowed if the agreement manager has Read permission for the participant object. For more information about specifying permissions, see About Policy Administrator. • In addition to being a part of the Agreement Manager group, you will also require at least one of the following license profiles to be able to edit an agreement: ◦ IP Protection License Profile ◦ PTC Windchill Advanced License ◦ PTC Windchill Premium License |
Participants can be removed from the
Authorized Participants table using remove participants

. Zero or more participants can be selected. There is no limit to the number of participants that can be associated with an agreement.
8. Specify Authorization Document
You can associate an authorization document (or contract) with an agreement. To associate the document with an agreement, it must exist in Windchill and be either of the Document type or of a subtype of Document. Only the specified version of the authorization document is associated with the agreement. The document does not need to be within the same context as the agreement. Each agreement can have zero or one authorization document.
| If you have a document that does not exist in Windchill, you can use the description attribute available in the Set Attributes step to reference the location of the document outside of Windchill. |