Editing a Defect
Typically, you can perform the following editing operations:
• Change the association of a defect such that it gets associated to a remote defect.
• Modify the attributes of a defect.
• Disassociate a defect from a remote defect. One way of doing this is by selecting Windchill from the Repository list to create a standalone Windchill defect.
To edit a defect:
1. Access the defect you want to modify by:
◦ Selecting Edit Defect from the Actions menu on the defect information page.
◦ Clicking edit

on the
Affected Objects table toolbar. The icon appears for the table only if you have inserted the table on a new tab on the defect information page.
◦ Right-clicking a defect in the Issues and Variances table associated with the affected object of the defect, and selecting Edit Defect from the shortcut menu.
2. The Edit Defect window divides the editing of a defect into the following steps. Steps can be completed in any order. You may navigate to any step for which the link is enabled.
| For more information about these steps and for descriptions of the attributes, see Creating a Defect. |
◦ Set Attributes—Identifies how the defect is created and provides the descriptive attributes for the defect. You cannot edit the defect number while editing the attributes.
◦ Select Affected Objects—Identifies the software builds or other objects that are affected by the defect.
◦ Set Attachments—Attaches content items that are meaningful only in the context of this defect but can never be checked in or checked out on their own. For more information, access Help from the Set Attachments table.
3. After editing a defect, click Finish. The changes to the defect are also propagated to the associated remote defect.