Integration with Other Applications > Integrated Software Management > Software Defect Tracking Integrations > Management of Defects > Authentication for Connecting to and Using Defect-Tracking Systems
Authentication for Connecting to and Using Defect-Tracking Systems
General communication such as querying defects and collecting information about DTS systems, are administrator credentials that are provided by Windchilladministrators during the adapters creation.
When creating or editing defects, the credentials are user credentials that are provided by the first time a user tries to create or edit a defect. These credentials can be different from the user’s Windchill credentials. For example, the user can connect to Windchill with credentials ID1. That same user can connect to Atlassian JIRA using ID2, while the Windchill administrator uses ID3 when managing adapters. In this case, the validation of the Atlassian JIRA mapping file is done using ID3. The creating and editing of Atlassian JIRA defects is done with ID2 provided the user is connected with ID2.
You can automatically connect to Integrity, Bugzilla and Atlassian JIRA from Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software or search for information in Integrity, Bugzilla and Atlassian JIRA related to remote defects without additional authentication. Using this authentication mechanism, the defect modification history can be tracked to the user name from the second-party or third-party defect-tracking systems.
An error message appears if the defect-tracking system is down during operations that require interaction with Windchill Integrations for Embedded Software.