Updating a Mount
When you are updating a mount, users can experience a failure if they try to download content from the mount while the update is taking place. By following this procedure, can avoid this problem. Download requests will complete successfully while the files are being moved to a new location. However, because the folder is temporarily assigned read-only status during this procedure, upload operations will fail while you are performing this procedure. When this procedure is complete, upload operations can be completed successfully again.
From the Vault Configuration window, do the following:
1. In the left pane, select the appropriate folder.
2. Click

or select > . Select the
Read Only checkbox and then click
OK. This prevents the upload of new files to the current location.
3. Move the existing content files to the new file location for the folder.
4. In the right pane, select the mount for the folder.
5. Click

or select > . The
Update Mount window opens.
6. Update Path or Root Path field with the new mount path and then click OK.
7. Update the folder again to clear the Read Only checkbox.
| When you are updating mounts for root folders, ensure that the mount paths are not needed. If the Host Type is Cluster Node, the mounts will be updated for all hosts having a Host Type of Cluster Node. |