Publishing an Option Set
The following information is published along with an option set:
• Option
• Choices
The complete definition of an option is published from Windchill along with its related option set. All the choices for an option are included in the ESI response even if a choice is not actually associated with the option set. The ESI response also has information about the association between the option set and the relevant choices.
You cannot delete a choice from the option pool or rename it when a choice is published using ERP Connector.
• Local Rules (Include, Exclude, Enable, and Conditional rules)
Local rules are published along with the option set. A saved filter associated with the distribution target is used to arrive at the correct version of the local rules that are managed independent of the option set. Local rules can also be published by using the change process. The rule and the related option set are published to the distribution targets associated with the option set if the following conditions are met:
◦ The Publish the Associated Option Set when Publishing an Object option on the distribution target is set to Yes.
◦ The system can locate a valid option set for the rule being published.
• Associated Variant Specification
Variant specification objects created in the context of an option set are published along with the option set. The variant specification associated with an option set is published to the distribution targets associated with the option set if the following condition is met:
◦ The Publish the Associated Variant Specification when Publishing an Object option on the distribution target is set to Yes.
You can publish the option set individually or along with the BOM, process plan, and resource structure.
You must develop your own middleware customization for SAP or Oracle ERP systems by consuming the ESI response generated by ERP Connector.
You can publish the option set using one of the following methods:
• Set State
• Change Notice
• Promotion Request
• Send to Distribution Target
• Option Set associated with BOM, process plan, and resource structure
1. On the Option Set information page, click > .
2. The Find Distribution Targets page opens. On this page, search for and select the target that you want to publish. You can filter the target by entering the associated information in the Number, Distribution Target Name, or Description fields or by selecting the type from the Type field. The option set targets are available in the Number, Distribution Target Name,Description, and Default for Context columns.
3. Select the target by selecting the check boxes next to the Number column.
4. Click OK.
5. Click

to open a new tab.
a. On the right of the page, click Customize.
b. Click > . The Distribution Targets table displays a list of targets that you have selected to publish.
6. From the Actions menu, select Send To Distribution Target. The Send To Distribution Target page opens.
7. Click Next. The Included Objects section displays the list of targets selected for publishing.
8. Click Send. A message confirms that publishing has started.
| You can assign all types of distribution targets to an option set, including distribution targets for SAP or Oracle ERP systems. |