Files Table
The Files table is only available if your site has enabled this configuration and if the package is locked. For more information, see Package Type-Based Properties.
The Files table shows files that could be available in the package ZIP file associated with the current delivery. You can access the table by selecting Select Files from the Actions menu on the Package Content table of a locked package, technical data package, CDRL package, or SDRL package. The table displays content files for all package content objects. Files that were filtered based on one of the following criteria do not appear in the table:
• Content role: configured using an administrative property
• File extension: set when the package is locked
• Collection option: set using the Edit Filters action from the Set Collection Rules window or the Package Content table
The Files table lists the object, file name, and other basic attributes. If the Select Files action is available for your site, the Files table must be reviewed at least once and changes, if any, applied to the contents prior to ZIP file creation.
If you have the necessary permissions to modify the package and no ZIP file exists, you can view and mark files to be included in or excluded from the ZIP file. If you do not have the necessary permissions to modify the package or a ZIP file exists, you can only view the files already identified to be included in or excluded from the ZIP file. Only the package content objects to which you have access are displayed in the Files table.
While uncommon, there are certain conditions under which the Create Files Information action appears. This is a required prerequisite to the Select Files action and is only required if file selection is enabled in the preference set after the package is locked and no ZIP file exists. The Create Files Information action is available from the Files table and the Package Content table.
For more information, see Best Practices for Filtering Files to be Included in the Package ZIP File.
Changing the Table Display
Files table displays all files associated with the package content objects by default, which allows you to see all included and excluded files. You can change the table to show only
Included or only
Excluded content from the table display options

| The table display options filter only applies to objects currently loaded in the Files table. If, after filtering the table, you still cannot find the file you are looking for, click the Next link at the bottom of the table to go to the next set of files and apply the filter again. The Included and Excluded filters only apply to the files currently displayed in the table. Similarly, sorting the table only applies to the files currently displayed. |
Column Information
Columns available in the Files table give you basic information about the files represented in the table. The following table details the columns available:
Column | Description |
File Name | Name of the file, including file extension. | If two files have the same name, both will appear in the Files table with the same name. Once the ZIP file is created, one of the file names may be different depending on your configuration. For more information, see Package Type-Based Properties. |
Package Object | Identification information for the object included in the package to which this content file is associated. |
The following actions are available from the Files table until the package ZIP file is created:
Icon | Action | Description |
| Exclude File from export | Excludes the selected files from the package ZIP file. Excluded files appear with a strike-through in the table row. |
| Include File for export | Includes the selected files that were previously excluded using the Exclude File from export action. The files are included in the package ZIP file and no longer appear with a strike-through. |
In addition to these actions, you can view or download the file content by clicking the content icon for each object. When you click Finish, your changes are saved, the window closes, and the Revise and Zip Package for Delivery actions are available on the delivery.
| If required files are excluded from a package, the recipient is unable to use the information in the package ZIP file, particularly if the package includes CAD document objects. For more information, see Best Practices for Filtering Files to be Included in the Package ZIP File. |
| When the Select Files action is configured, it is required that the files are, at a minimum, reviewed once and accepted before any package ZIP file is created. The package ZIP file can be created after displaying the table and selecting Apply or Finish. |