Additional HTTP Server Configurations
To allow external ADS users to login to Windchill the following settings must be added to the Apache Config:
• apacheWebApp.ldapUrl
• apacheWebApp.anonBind
• apacheWebApp.bindDN
• apacheWebApp.bindPwd
These settings can be propagated using the following commands:
xconfmanager -t apacheConf/config/ -s
?sub" -p
xconfmanager -t apacheConf/config/ -s
anonBind=false -p
xconfmanager -t apacheConf/config/ -s
bindDn="<DN>" -p
xconfmanager -t apacheConf/config/ -s
bindPwd=<PWD> p
To propagate these settings from a Windchill shell on Windows use the following command:
cd /d %Windchill%\apacheConf\config
ant -f applyApacheWebAppConfig.xml
Restart HTTP Server and Windchill.