Members Table
Members table displays the membership of a
context team or the membership of a
shared team. For example, clicking the
Team link from any
application context displays the
Members table.
For information specific to Windchill Quality teams, see Quality Teams
You can access the
Members table for a shared team from the
shared team information page.
The information above a
Members table that displays for context teams identifies whether teams members are only from a local team (denoted by the group icon

) or are from a shared team (denoted by the shared team icon

). If the members can be from both a shared team and a local team, then the shared team icon displays along with
Extended:Yes. If the members can only be from a shared team, then the shared team icon displays along with
For the details on the information that displays above a
Members table for shared teams, see
Shared Team Information.
The Members table contains the following:
• Views that allow you to change what is presented in the rows of the table
• Icons that provide actions on selected rows in the table
• Icons for team activities
• Columns in the table and the actions for individual rows in the table columns
For more information about tables, see
Using Tables.
Views for Members Table
The Members table information can be displayed differently using the views at the top of the table:
• All People -- Displays the users and groups in the team with the groups expanded to reveal the names of the group participants. This view includes participants from the Guest role.
• Local Team Members -- Displays the participants who are members of the
local team. If the context team does not include any local team members, then the table is empty when this view is selected. This view provides the icons that allow you to modify the local team roles and members if you have the required permissions. This view is only available when viewing application context teams.
• Local Team Roles and Members -- Displays any
local team information organized by role with assigned team members listed under the roles. If the context team does not include a local team, then the table is empty when this view is selected. This view provides the icons that allow you to modify the local team roles and members if you have the required permissions. This view is only available when viewing application context teams.
• Members – Displays the participants invited as team members to participate in a team.
• Members By Role -- Displays the team information organized by role with assigned team members listed under the roles. You can expand and collapse the different roles to view certain information and hide other details.
• Members of External Organization -- Displays the team members who are members of any organization that is not the host organization. For example, assume the Bike Design project was created under the ACME organization context. Then all team members who are not members of the ACME organization display when this view is selected.
• Members of Host Organization -- Displays the team members who are members of the organization in which the Members table resides. For example, assume the Bike Design project was created under the ACME organization context. Then all team members who are members of the ACME organization display when this view is selected.
• Shared Team Members -- Displays the participants who are members of the
shared team. If the context team does not include a shared team, then the table is empty when this view is selected. This view is only available when viewing application context teams.
• Shared Team Roles and Members -- Displays any
shared team information organized by role with assigned team members listed under the roles. If the context team does not include a shared team, then the table is empty when this view is selected. This view is only available when viewing application context teams.
| Participants in the Guest role are not considered team members and do not display in the views showing only members. |
Icons for Selected Row Actions
Select rows in the table using the checkboxes to the left of each row before using the icons at the top of the Members table. To select or clear all rows, click the checkbox to the left of the column titles.
All members of the team can use the following icons:
Icon | Description |
| Accesses your email client and adds the email addresses of the selected members to the To field of your email. |
| When displaying both roles and members in the table, a plus symbol in front of a role indicates that there are members in a role that are not being displayed. Clicking the expand icon  displays the members under selected roles in the table. If no roles are selected, clicking this icon displays members for all roles. |
| When displaying both roles and members in the table, a minus symbol in front of a role indicates that all members in a role are being displayed. Clicking the collapse icon  hides the members of selected roles in the table. If no roles are selected, clicking this icon hides members for all roles. |
Only members who can modify the team can use the following icons. The shared team Members table always displays the icons. Some of these icons are not available from all views in a project, program, product, and library Members table. Unless explicitly mentioned in the following table, change the view to display an icon that is not available in the view currently displayed:
Icon | Description |
| The copy  and paste  icons perform the common actions copying and pasting selected rows from one Members table to another. If you select a role to copy and paste into another Members table, that role and all participants within that role are copied to the target table. If you select an individual participant to copy and paste into another Members table, that participant is copied into the selected roles in the target table. If no role is selected in the target table, the participant is added to the Members role. |
| | You cannot remove the context manager or Guest roles from a context team nor the Shared Team Manager role from a shared team. Also, you cannot remove all members from the context manager and Shared Team Manager roles. |
| Removing roles or members from a shared team can only be done from the Members table for the shared team and cannot be done from the Members table of a context team that includes the shared team. |
| Opens the Edit Role Description window, which allows you to edit the descriptions of selected roles. See Edit Role Descriptions. |
Icons for Team Activities
The icons described in following tables appear at the top of the Members table and allow you perform team activities.
All members of the team can use the following icon:
Icon | Description |
| Accesses your email client and adds the email addresses of all team members to the To field of your email. |
Only participants who can modify the team can use the following icons. Some of these icons are not available from all views of a Members table. Unless explicitly mentioned in the following table, change the view to display an icon that is not available in the view currently displayed:
Icon | Description |
| Opens the Find Participant window, from which you can locate and add members to roles on the team. See Adding Members. If you have selected a role before clicking this icon, the role appears selected in the Assign to Role drop-down list. |
| Opens the Add Roles to Team window, from which you can add roles. See Adding Roles. |
| (Arbortext Content Manager, Windchill ProjectLink, and Windchill PDMLink only) Opens the Edit Invitation Message window, from which you can edit an existing project or program invitation message. This icon is only available after a project or program team has been created. Product, library, and shared team Members tables do not show this icon. |
| ( Arbortext Content Manager, Windchill ProjectLink, and Windchill PDMLink only) Opens the Configure Actions for Roles window, from which you can select the actions that you do not want the members in a specific role to see. This icon is not available for shared teams. For more information, see Configuring Visibility of Actions for Roles. | Using the configure actions for roles icon disables profile settings that are active for the participants who are members of the team. The profile settings that are disabled are only the settings for the application context in which the configure actions for roles icon is used. For more information, see About Configuring Action Visibility by Role. |
| ( Arbortext Content Manager, Windchill ProjectLink, and Windchill PDMLink only) Removes any configure actions for role settings that have been set. This icon is not available for shared teams. For more information, see Using Profiles and Action Visibility for Roles. |
When you are viewing the Members table from a shared team information page, you can use the following icons:
Icon | Description |
| Opens the Edit Team window, from which you can change the name, description, and other attributes of a shared team. See Editing a Shared Team. |
| Displays the Shared Team Uses Report table, which lists all application contexts that are using the shared team. See Shared Team Uses Report Table. |
Column Information
The columns that display in the Members table vary depending on which context you are viewing the table from and which view is displayed. The following list provides information about the content in some table columns and the icons that display in the columns:
• The column to the right of the shared team indicator column contains the icon that identifies whether the row contains a role, user, group, or organization. The following icons can appear in this row:
-- for roles
-- for users
-- for groups
-- for organizations
• The Roles/Members column contains one of the following:
◦ The full name of the team member (if the member is a user).
◦ The group name (if the member is a group).
◦ The organization name (if the member is an organization).
◦ The name of the role.
You can view the information about a user or group by clicking the view information icon

in the column next to the name. If the user was added by email address, the email address appears in this field.
• The Status column describes the current status of the team member. The Status column values correspond to the status icons displayed in another column near the participant type icon column. Possible values include the following:
◦ Deleted
-- for members (users, groups, or organizations) that have been removed from
◦ Disconnected from directory service
-- for members (users, groups, or organizations) that are disconnected from
◦ Pending
-- for members (users only) that are not active in
Windchill. Often this user was added to the team via email, but has not accepted the email invitation.
◦ Replicated
-- for members (users only) that have been imported into
Windchill via context replication, but do not have an active
Windchill user account.
• The Roles column displays when you select the Members view. If a member has multiple roles, a full list of his or her roles is available by hovering over the column.
• The Joined column displays when you are viewing project and program teams. Yes in this column indicates that the user has joined a project or program. Members of a shared team are automatically confirmed as members of the project or program when the shared team is associated with the context, so Yes is displayed for shared team members. No indicates that the user has not joined.
• The Affiliation column displays when all of the following are true:
◦ The view being displayed includes roles or members from both the local and shared teams.
◦ (
Windchill PDMLink only) You are the
context manager of the local team, an organization administrator, a site administrator, or a person who has been granted the
Modify Team action.
◦ (
Pro/INTRALINK only) You are the
context manager of the local team, an organization administrator, or a site administrator.
The column identifies the team to which the role or member belongs. It contains one of the following:
◦ Local Team if the role or member is in the local team.
◦ Shared Team if the role or member is in the shared team that is in the context team.
◦ Local and Shared Teams if the role or member is in both teams.
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