Editing a Shared Team
To edit a shared team, use the following steps:
1. From the
Shared Team table, select the
Edit Team action from the right-click actions list in the row of the team you want to edit.
The Edit Team window opens.
This window contains the same fields as the New Shared Team window.
2. Edit the information you want to change. The information you can change includes whether the shared team is enabled and whether the team can be extended locally.
Changing the owner of the shared team does not change the user assigned to the Shared Team Manager role. Go to the shared team information page to change role membership after the shared team has been created.
3. Click OK save your changes and close the window.
Click Apply to save your changes and keep the window open for additional changes.
The Edit Team window can also be accessed using the Edit Team action or edit team icon  on the shared team information page. |
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