Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Windchill MPMLink Overview > MPMLink Browsers > Using the Manufacturing Associative Part Structure Browser > Manufacturing Associative Part Structure Browser Task Tabs > Plants
The Plants tab displays the view-specific enterprise data objects associated with the part selected in the upstream or downstream structure pane. The tab provides a quick view of the plants where a part can be manufactured.
The view-specific enterprise data objects displayed are based on the filters applied on the part structure using the Edit Filter dialog box. For more information on filtering a structure, see Editing a Windchill MPMLink Structure Filter.
By default, the table in the Plants tab displays the common attributes related to the view-specific enterprise data object created for the part. The View column displays the plant associated with each object. For more information on common attributes, see Object Attributes.
You can customize the table view to display the view-specific enterprise data and plant-specific functional data attributes that you have created for the objects. However, only the unique attributes associated with the view-specific enterprise data and plant-specific functional data objects are displayed. The attributes with the same names within view-specific enterprise data or plant-specific functional data are not available when customizing the table view. For more information, see Customizing Table Views.
You can edit an attribute value directly by selecting the value. The object is checked out when you edit it.
Use the Remove action to remove existing view-specific enterprise data objects. This action does not remove the view-specific enterprise data object from the database. Only the association between the part and the object is removed. However, if the object is no longer associated with any other part, the object is removed from the database.