Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Windchill MPMLink Overview > MPMLink Browsers > Using the Manufacturing Associative Part Structure Browser > Working on a Part Structure in Multiple Browser Sessions
Working on a Part Structure in Multiple Browser Sessions
You can work on a particular part structure in multiple browser sessions in MAPSB. However, when working on the same part structure in multiple sessions, most of the actions that can be performed on the part structure are available in two sessions only by default. If you attempt to use the actions on the part structure in a third session an exception is returned.
To allow the use of actions on a part structure in more than two sessions, add the following property to the file:
<Property name="" default="3"/>
Configure the default value in the property to specify the number of sessions on which the actions should be made available for use. The value is calculated using the formula:
(n × 2) + 1
where, 2 refers to the upstream and downstream structure panes in a single session.
For example, to make the actions available for use in 28 sessions, the value is calculated as follows:
(28 × 2) + 1 = 57
<Property name="" default="57"/>