Executing a Security Audit Report Query
The Security Audit Report Queries page displays a list of saved audit report queries. From this page, you can execute a query or perform any of the actions available in the Actions drop-down list.
Saved queries remain private to the context in which they are created. For example, a query created and saved at the site level cannot be seen from any of the organizations and any query created and saved within an organization remains visible only to that organization.
Report Query Information
The following columns appear in the Security Audit Report Queries table:
The name of the saved query. Click the name to view the report criteria.
Click the information icon  to view the details of the query. |
The date the query was last saved.
Created By
The person who created the query.
Deleting Report Queries
Use the delete icon

on the
Security Audit Report Queries table to remove an individual report query, or all report queries from the table. Select the check box next to each query you want to delete and then click the delete icon

. Selecting the check box at the top of the table, next to the
Name column, populates all check boxes for deletion.
The following actions are available in the right-click actions list for each audit report query in the Security Audit Report Queries table:
Action | Description |
Preview Report | Preview a limited subset of events from the specified report criteria. This is intended for testing purposes to ensure that the report is returning the desired content. |
| Generates a report and exports the content to a CSV or XML file. |
For more information about working with tables, see
Using Tables.
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