Creating a Security Audit Report
Use the following procedure to define the parameters for a security audit report:
1. In the Time Period section, specify the time period for which you want the audit information captured in the report by selecting one of the following:
◦ From the Duration drop-down list, select one of the following options; Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Current Month, Last Month, Current Year, or Last Year.
All options in the Duration drop-down list are dynamic time periods and will always return data from the audit logs for the respective time period, based on the date the report is executed.
◦ Select the
Start date and
End date by clicking the calendar icon

, or manually enter a date.
2. In the Event section, select the events you want to capture in the security audit report by using one of the following options:
◦ Select All event types to include all events in the report.
◦ Select
Only events of type and click find

to limit the events that you want included in the report.
3. In the Organization section, select the organizations you want to capture in the security audit report by using one of the following options:
| The Organization section only appears if you launch Security Audit Reporting from the > page. |
◦ Select All organizations to include all organizations in the report.
◦ Select
One organization and click find

to specify the organization that you want included in the report.
4. In the Context section, select the contexts you want to capture in the security audit report by using one of the following options:
◦ Select All contexts to include all contexts in the report.
◦ Select
One context and click find

to specify the context you want included in the report.
◦ Select
Only contexts of type and click find

to specify the contexts that you want returned in the audit report.
5. In the Object section, select the objects you want to capture in the security audit report by using one of the following options:
◦ Select All objects to include all objects in the report.
◦ Select
One object and click find

to specify the object that you want included in the report.
◦ Select
Only objects of type and click find

to specify the objects that you want returned in the audit report.
6. In the User section, select the users you want to capture in the security audit report by using one of the following options:
◦ Select All users to include all users in the report.
◦ Select
One user and click find

to specify the user you want included in the report.
7. Click one of the following buttons:
◦ Generate -- to generate the report and export it to a file using CSV or XML file format.
◦ Preview -- to view a limited subset of the audit events.
| The Preview button is intended for testing purposes to ensure that the report is returning the intended content. |
◦ Save Query -- to save the defined parameters into a query to be executed later.
| The saved report query can be accessed from the Security Audit Report Queries link on the Utilities page. |
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