Creating a Test Session from Test Items
Testing is carried out using a test session item that identifies the test cases to be tested. You can create test session items and link them to test cases or documents, or you can create test sessions from test case items or test document items in the Items view, Relationships view, or Item Details view. Select the items you want to create the test session from and do the following:
• In the GUI, select > .
The Create Session From option supports live test items only.
• In the Web UI, click
and select
Create Session From.
| The Web UI does not support addition of versioned test items and marking results of versioned test cases. |
You can also create a test session from untested test case items. To display untested test cases, select a test session item (or any other test item that has the default Tests field visible), and do the following:
• In the GUI, select > .
• In the Web UI, click
and select
View Untested.
Then use the Create Session From option to create the test session from the untested test cases.
| You can also create a test session from test results, for example, test cases with a result verdict of Fail. You can create a test session from test results in the Test Results view or the Test Results tab on the Item Details view. For more information on the Test Results view, see Test Results View: Analyzing Test Results. For more information on the Test Results tab, see “Working With Item Test Results”. |