tm viewuntested
displays untested test cases for the specified item and test session
tm viewuntested [--sessionID=value] [--[no]substituteParams][--fields=field[:width[:rich|plain]],field[:width[:rich|plain]],...][--fieldsDelim=value] [--height=value] [--width=value] [--x=value][--y=value] [--hostname=value][--port=value] [--password=value][--user=value] [(-?|--usage)] [(-g|--gui)] [(-F value|--selectionFile=value)][--quiet] [--settingsUI=[gui|default]] [--status=[none|gui|default]][(-N|--no)] [(-Y|--yes)] [--[no]batch] [--cwd=value][--forceConfirm=[yes|no]]itemID...
This command allows you to view the untested test cases for one or more items in one or more test sessions. For example:.
To find all untested test cases in test session 2:
tm viewuntested 2
tm viewuntested --sessionID=2 2
To find all untested test cases on test objective 3, in test sessions 5, 6, and 7:
tm viewuntested --sessionID=5 --sessionID=6 --sessionID=7 3
To find all untested test cases on item 10 that has the Tests field visible in test sessions 2 and 3:
tm viewuntested --sessionID=2 --sessionID=3 10
This command takes the universal options available to
PTC RV&S commands, as well as some general options. See the
options reference page for descriptions.
• --sessionID=value
the test session(s) that you want to view untested test cases for. If a test case does not have a verdict in the test session, it is considered to be untested for that session.
You must specify at least one test session for this command. If the itemID is a test session, you do not need to specify a test session using this option.
• --[no]substituteParams
specifies whether to replace parameter references in text fields with a parameter value. For more information on how parameter values are determined, see the PTC RV&S Help Center.
• --fields=field[:width[:rich|plain]],field[:width[:rich|plain]],...
specifies the test case fields, and their respective widths, to be displayed. Your administrator defines the fields for the test case. Use commas to specify more than one field. The default fields displayed in the CLI are independent of the default fields (columns) specified in the GUI and Web interface.
For rich content fields, you can specify display patterns to display field values as rich content (:rich) or plain text (:plain). The rich content display pattern displays the underlying HTML elements and attributes in the rich content field. For example, --fields=Description::rich displays the Description field value with HTML elements and attributes. By default, rich content fields display plain text.
• --fieldsDelim=value
specifies the string to be used as a delimiter between the fields in the display.
• itemID...
specifies the item IDs to view untested test cases for. Any test cases related to the items through the Tests field that do not have a test verdict for the test sessions specified in the --sessionID option are considered to be untested.
An item ID is required and the item type must contain a visible Tests field. If the item ID you specify is an item type that performs the test session role, the --sessionID option is not required. If the item ID you specify is an item type that is not a test session, you must specify at least one test session using the --sessionID option.
See Also
• Commands:
tm createresult,
tm editresult,
tm results,
tm extractattachments,
tm stepresults,
tm resulteditor,
tm deleteresult,
tm editresult,
tm testcases,
tm setresults,
tm viewresult