tm viewresult
displays test result details for the specified test cases
tm viewresult [--sessionID=value] [--[no]showSteps[--[no]substituteParams] [--height=value] [--width=value] [--x=value][--y=value] [--hostname=value] [--port=value] [--password=value][--user=value] [(-?|--usage)] [(-g|--gui)] [(-F value|--selectionFile=value)][--quiet] [--settingsUI=[gui|default]] [--status=[none|gui|default]][(-N|--no)] [(-Y|--yes)] [--[no]batch] [--cwd=value][--forceConfirm=[yes|no]] caseID|sessionID:caseID|versionedCaseID|versionedSuiteID:versionedCaseID|sessionID:versionedSuiteID:versionedCaseID...
This command allows you to view the test result details for one or more test cases. Attachments and related items display as a comma separated list of attachment names and related item IDs.
For example,
tm viewresult --showSteps --sessionID=8071 9023
displays the test result details, including test steps, for test case 9023 in test session 8071.
This command takes the universal options available to
PTC RV&S commands, as well as some general options. See the
options reference page for descriptions.
• --sessionID=value
the ID of the test session item that you want to view result details for.
• --[no]showSteps
specifies whether to show test steps for test case results. The default is to show the test steps.
• --[no]substituteParams
specifies whether to replace parameter references in text fields with a parameter value. For more information on how parameter values are determined, see the PTC RV&S Help Center.
• caseID|sessionID:caseID|versionedCaseID|versionedSuiteID:versionedCaseID|sessionID:versionedSuiteID:versionedCaseID...
specifies the test case IDs to view test result details for. The test cases must all belong to the session specified in the --sessionID option. If the session is not specified in the --sessionID option, you must specify the session ID and case ID for each test case. If you do not specify this option, you must specify the --sessionID option.
As of Integrity Lifecycle Manager 12.0, you can also specify versioned test case IDs to view test results details for.
For example,
tm viewresult --sessionID=1393 853-3.0:856-6.0
displays the test result details for versioned test case 856-6.0 belonging to versioned test suite 853-3.0 in test session 1393.
It is not mandatory to specify the versioned test suite when using the command with --sessionID option.
For example,
tm viewresult --sessionID=1393 856-6.0
displays the test result details for versioned test case 856-6.0 in test session 1393.
If the --sessionID option is not used, include the test session ID when specifying versioned test suite and versioned test case in the sessionID:versionedSuiteID:versionedCaseID format.
For example,
tm viewresult 1393:853-3.0:856-6.0
The internal ID of the versioned test case is displayed in the output of the tm viewresult command.
The test session item type and the test case item type must be visible to you in order for you to view the test result details.
See Also
• Commands:
tm createresult,
tm editresult,
tm results,
tm extractattachments,
tm stepresults,
tm resulteditor,
tm deleteresult,
tm editresult,
tm testcases,
tm setresults,
tm viewuntested