To edit content in Word
1. To edit a document and/or its content, make a content (or section) selection in the Windchill RV&S client and then select Document > Edit in Word.
The Edit in Word dialog box displays the following options:
Entire document specifies to edit the entire document and its children in Word, even if you did not select the root item of the document.
Selected item and children is available if the item selected has children (such as a subdocument).
Only selected item specifies to edit the specifically selected item only.
2. If available, from the Template list select the template to use for editing the item. Templates are defined by your administrator, and a description (if provided) displays in the field below the selection. Templates determine how the content displays in Word, making it easier for you to edit the information.
If you cannot make a list selection, either your administrator defined a single template that you must use, or no template is defined for you. If no template is defined for you, contact your administrator for assistance.
3. Click OK to continue.
The Opening from Windchill RV&S dialog box displays, listing the progress of the operation. You can view the details of the items affected by the edit operation by clicking Details.
The content displays in the Word editor. For information using the Word editor, see Using the Word Editor.
For information on Windchill RV&S document functionality in the Word editor, see Windchill RV&S Document Functionality in the Word Editor.
4. When you are finished your Edit in Word session, close the Word editor.
If there were changes, you are presented with the following choices:
Publish saves the changes from your Edit in Word session to Windchill RV&S.
Don’t Publish discards the changes from your Edit in Word session.
Cancel returns you to the Word editor to continue editing.
If you do not want to save your changes, click to close the Word editor and then specify not to save the changes when prompted.
The Saving to Windchill RV&S dialog box displays, listing the progress of the operation. You can view the details of the items affected by the edit operation by clicking Details.
If conflicts are detected, refer to Resolving Edit in Word Structure Conflicts .
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