User Help > Working With Documents > Editing Content in Microsoft Word > Windchill RV&S Document Functionality in the Word Editor
Windchill RV&S Document Functionality in the Word Editor
The following Windchill RV&S document functionality is available from the Content menu in the Word editor:
Toolbar Button
Adds a new piece of content.
Combines the selected pieces of content. Text is concatenated in sequential order. All other fields use the values as set in the first piece of content.
This operation requires that you select two or more adjacent content pieces.
Copies the selected content piece (for future pasting).
Cuts the selected content piece (for future pasting).
Cutting and pasting within a document moves the content (retaining the item ID), while cutting and pasting from one document to another is the same as copying the content, deleting it from the first document and then pasting it into the second document (creating a new item ID).
Deletes the selected content piece.
Makes the selected content piece a child of the previous content piece. If the selected content is already a child, no action is performed.
You can only indent child content if it is not the first child of its parent.
Makes the selected content piece a peer of its parent content piece. If the selected content is at the top level, no action is performed.
Pastes a previously cut or copied content piece after the currently selected content piece as its peer.
Prints the document directly from the editor. Printing a document might be useful when you want to review and mark up your changes on a printed page before making them directly in the editor.
Moves the selected text into a new content piece created as a peer of the selected content piece.
If there is no selection when the button is clicked, the Word editor extends the selection from the cursor position to the end of the field being split (if the cursor is already at the end of the field, a new blank item with placeholder text is inserted underneath the item being split).
If the Word editor is unable to successfully copy the content to the clipboard, nothing is pasted into the split field (it appears blank with placeholder text).
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