User Help > Working With Documents > Modifying a Document > Using Multiple-Row Editing > Turning Multiple-Row Editing On and Off
Turning Multiple-Row Editing On and Off
You have three ways to turn multiple-row editing on and off. You can switch between single-row editing and multiple-row editing as long as no unsaved changes exist in the document.
Using the Blue Banner
When a document opens for the first time in the Document view, a blue banner is shown. This banner has three buttons:
Enable Multiple-Row Editing—Clicking this button turns on multiple-row editing. The blue banner is replaced with a green banner that indicates that multiple-row editing is turned on. The green banner also explains that you can select View > Options to configure multiple-row editing behaviors. If a red error banner displays instead, the backup file required for recovering unsaved changes during multiple-row editing cannot be created, usually due to permission problems. For more information, see Recovering Unsaved Changes Made During Multiple-Row Editing.
Learn More—Clicking this button opens the previous topic in the Windchill RV&S Help Center. This gives you access to information about multiple-row editing and undo and redo capabilities.
Do Not Show Again—Clicking this button turns off the blue banner permanently. The blue banner is no longer shown when you open this document or any other document. No option exists for turning on the blue banner again. If you never click this button, the blue banner is shown each time that you open a document in the Document view.
Clicking the X on the right side of the blue banner closes it but does not turn it off permanently. The blue banner displays the next time that you open a document, unless multiple-row editing is already turned on.
Using the Options Window
The Editing tab in the Options window provides for turning on and off multiple-row editing. If you permanently turn off the blue banner, this tab becomes the primary GUI method for turning on and off multiple-row editing. The Editing tab also provides for specifying whether you want confirmation messages to show before changes to the document are saved.
When you select View > Options > Editing, you can see the current edit mode.
Save each row after editing—When this option is selected, single-row editing is turned on. The checkbox for showing confirmation messages is initially cleared by default for single-row editing. When this checkbox is cleared, the Save Changes? window does not open when you leave the row, which submits changes to the server.
Edit multiple rows before saving—When this option is selected, multiple-row editing is turned on. The checkbox for showing confirmation messages is initially selected by default for multiple-row editing. When this checkbox is selected, the Save Changes? window opens so you can confirm that you want to submit changes to the server.
The Editing tab also provides the Operations Mode option for delete, cut, copy, paste, and move operations. During single-row editing, you can select whichever operations mode you like. However, during multiple-row editing, the Section operations mode is enforced. This means that operations on content selected in either the Content or Outline pane act on the selected items and their children. For more information, see Configuring Editing Options for the Document View.
Using the CLI
With the CLI, you can use the im viewsegment command with the --[no]multiEditSession option to turn on and off multiple-row editing.
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