User Help > Working With Documents > Modifying a Document > Using Multiple-Row Editing > Recovering Unsaved Changes Made During Multiple-Row Editing
Recovering Unsaved Changes Made During Multiple-Row Editing
During multiple-row editing, unsaved changes are stored in a backup file so that these changes can be recovered if an unexpected shutdown occurs. You need not worry about losing data during multiple-row editing because unsaved changes are written to the backup file every two seconds.
Backup files have DST extensions and are stored with other user Windchill RV&S files. The default location is …/user/.mks/ci/hostname/port/username/dv/recovery, where username is the Windchill RV&S user name.
After your server connection is restored, opening a document with unsaved changes causes a yellow banner and the recovered document to display. The banner indicates if all unsaved changes were restored. If any changes cannot be restored, the yellow banner displays two buttons:
View Errors—Clicking this button opens the Recovery Errors window, which displays changes that were not restored. For each content item, the affected field and recovered value are shown. Generally, these unsaved changes are not recoverable because either your Windchill RV&S system or file system has since been modified. For example, perhaps you entered a value for a field that is no longer visible for the input type. Or, perhaps you added an attachment that has been deleted from the referenced location. Reviewing recovery errors helps you to determine if any manual corrections are necessary to the fields indicated. For more information, see Troubleshooting During Multiple-Row Editing.
Learn More—Clicking this button opens this topic about recovering unsaved changes in the Windchill RV&S Help Center.
In the recovered document, edited field icons and moved item icons appear in the row headers of all rows with unsaved changes. When the Show Pending Deletes option is turned on, deleted item icons also appear in the header rows of all rows with pending deletes. For more information, see Showing and Understanding Pending Deletes During Multiple-Row Editing.
You can continue to edit the document as if the shutdown never occurred. However, you cannot undo and redo changes that were made before the shutdown occurred. You also can choose to save or discard all unsaved changes. Discarding unsaved changes retrieves the current values for changed fields from the server. Closing the document deletes the backup file.
Opening a large document can take several times longer when unsaved changes have to be recovered after an unexpected shutdown.
If an unexpected shutdown occurs when only some conflicts are resolved, the recovered document includes all unsaved changes. Any conflicts are in whatever resolution state they were in before the shutdown occurred. In other words, resolved conflicts still show as resolved, and unresolved conflicts still show as unresolved.
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