Server Administration > Administration Client > Using the Windchill RV&S administration client > Windchill RV&S administration client Interface Components
Windchill RV&S administration client Interface Components
The Windchill RV&S administration client GUI appears similar to the following:
You can access program functions through the menu items listed on the menu bar, as well as through the shortcut menu when you right click the mouse.
The Windchill RV&S administration client includes the following user interface components:
Menu Bar
The menu bar is located directly below the title bar. Each menu contains available commands. When you first open the Windchill RV&S administration client, there are four menus in the menu bar: File, Tools, Window, and Help. The list of available menus and commands varies depending on the view or window that is active at any given time (for example, working with permissions or configuration management policies).
Immediately below the menu bar are the toolbars that provide easy access to the most commonly used administration commands. Toolbar functions are carried out by clicking the appropriate toolbar button with the left mouse button.
Most toolbar buttons only become available when an item is selected in a certain window. For example, selecting Policies in the node tree displays the toolbar buttons for policy commands.
Tooltips explain the function of each toolbar button and appear when you pause the mouse pointer over the button.
Tree Pane
The tree pane displays the configurable components in a node tree view. The visibility of nodes in the tree pane depends on the applications that are installed on the server. For example, if the workflows and documents component is not installed on the server, the Workflows and Documents node does not display in the tree pane.
As administrator, your ability to work with subnodes in the tree pane depends on the permissions allowed to you. For example, if you are not allowed the EditPolicy and ViewPolicy permissions under mks:si, you cannot modify configuration management policies under the Configuration Management node.
To work with the available sections in a node, you can double click the node name or click the expansion button (+) to expand the node.
When working in the tree pane, you can also open a new window from any node by right clicking and selecting Open new window from the shortcut menu.
Status Bar
When you select a command, a brief explanation of its purpose and status displays in the status bar. In addition, when you point to a toolbar button, you can see an explanation of its function.
The status bar also displays the progress and status for commands launched from the interface.
Display Pane
The display pane presents the configurable information for a selected node tree view. For example, if you select Global in the Permissions view, the display pane presents information on the global permissions granted to principals (that is individual users or groups) on the system.
Shortcut Menu
The Windchill RV&S administration client supports standard shortcut menus. To display the menu of actions you can perform on a selected item, select and right click the item. The menu that displays depends upon the item you have selected.
Server Connection
In the lower right corner of the GUI, an icon indicates the status of the server.
Quick Access Keys (GUI)
By default, this topic describes how to perform steps using the mouse. For your convenience, there is an alternate way to perform many of those same steps using the keyboard.
Access Keys (GUI)
Keyboard access keys appear as underlined letters on a menu command, or as a dialog box option, allowing you to access most items on the interface. You use the access keys by pressing and holding the ALT key, then the key indicated by the underlined letter.
Access keys can also be used in a sequence, for example, ALT, F, V, R. This sequence means press down and hold ALT, and then press F, V, and R.
Shortcut Keys (GUI)
For some commands, shortcut keys are provided, as well as access keys. Shortcuts appear on menus opposite their command names, for example:
Pressing the INSERT key is the same as selecting the Create command.
Pressing the F1 function key is the same as selecting the Help command.
The following table specifies where to find information on nodes in the tree pane.
View Node
MKS Domain
Permissions > Global
See the Security Schemes topic in the Installation and Configuration documentation.
ViewSet Distribution
Permissions > Global
Server Configuration
See the Server Configuration topic in the Installation and Configuration documentation.
Server Diagnostics
Several nodes representing individual diagnostics
See the Running Windchill RV&S server Diagnostic topic in the Installation and Configuration documentation.
ACL Control > Global
ACL Control > ACL
See the ACLs topic in the Installation and Configuration documentation.
Workflows and Documents
See the Users and Groups topic in the Installation and Configuration documentation.
See the Users and Groups topic in the Installation and Configuration documentation.
Dynamic Groups
See the Users and Groups topic in the Installation and Configuration documentation.
Change Package Types
Test Verdicts
See the Types topic in the Installation and Configuration documentation.
Test Result Fields
See the Properties topic in the Installation and Configuration documentation.
See the ACLs topic in the Installation and Configuration documentation.
See the ACLs topic in the Installation and Configuration documentation.
Server Diagnostics
See the Running Windchill RV&S server Diagnostic topic in the Installation and Configuration documentation.
Source Configuration Management
See the Policies topic in the Installation and Configuration documentation.
See the Properties topic in the Installation and Configuration documentation.
See the ACLs topic in the Installation and Configuration documentation.
Server Diagnostics
See the Running Windchill RV&S server Diagnostic topic in the Installation and Configuration documentation.
See the Troubleshooting topic in the Installation and Configuration documentation.
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