Server Administration > Item Fields > Working in Fields View
Working in Fields View
Using the Windchill RV&S administration client, you can manage fields from one convenient location. Managing fields is carried out through the Fields view.
im fields
To open the Fields view from the Windchill RV&S administration client, expand the Workflows and Documents node, and select Fields. The Fields view displays.
By default, the data filter in the Fields view displays all existing fields. You can search for a specific field by typing in the text filter and/or using the following filters:
visible in item type
Displays fields visible in the specified item type.
visible in all item types
Displays fields common to all types.
of field type
Displays specific field types.
For more information on using the data filter, see Filtering Data.
Windchill RV&S has a standard set of default fields that are visible to all users for all item types. Fields are categories of data that can be associated with items. You can also create custom fields in Windchill RV&S.
Field visibility rules based on item type are defined when creating a type. For more information, see Setting Field Visibility for Types.
Any changes you make in the Fields view have an immediate effect on your Windchill RV&S database.
Through the Fields view, you can:
edit the details for an existing field
view the details for an existing field
create a new field
reposition, or change the order of presentation for a field
delete an existing field
Any changes you make within the Fields dialog box are implemented in the database immediately; you cannot cancel them. If you create a field with an incorrect type, you cannot delete it or change its type or definition. You can either rename it or make it invisible for all types.
Certain standard fields are always visible and cannot be edited. For these standard fields, only the Description and Position panels appear. The standard fields are: ID, Modified By, Created By, Modified Date, and Created Date. You can provide a description for each standard field.
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