Refreshed Web Interface > About DocStudio > Working in DocStudio > Creating a Document Copy
Creating a Document Copy
You can create a copy of a live or versioned document in the view mode of DocStudio. Copying a document is useful when you want to create a new document from an existing document, retaining the existing information in the common fields. The Copy Document option is available in the view mode of DocStudio for live or versioned documents that have branching enabled for them. Your administrator determines the document types that can be branched. When you copy a document, you can choose to copy all the included and inserted documents along with the parent document. You can make a copy of the As Of state of the document based on, Now, Version, Label, and Branch.
To copy a document:
1. Open the document you want to copy in DocStudio.
2. Click and select Copy Document.
If the document you are copying has more than 50 nodes, you are prompted to confirm the copy document operation. Click Yes to continue the copy document operation.
The Document Details dialog box opens.
3. Select the project to which you want to copy the document from the Select Project list.
4. If you want to make a copy of the document from an As Of state, select the state from the Select As of list. Depending on your selection, the available labels, versions, or branches for the document are displayed in a table inside the Document Details dialog box.
The Select As of list is not available if the document being copied is an As Of document.
5. Select the required label, version, or branch.
6. Select Included Documents, or Inserted Documents, or both, if you want to copy these documents along with the parent document.
If you are copying a versioned document, the Included Documents and Inserted Documents are selected by default.
7. Click Proceed. The copy document operation starts. The system displays a notification message when the operation completes successfully.
8. Click View in the message to open the copied document in DocStudio. Note that the message is displayed only in the browser tab from which the copy operation was initiated.
You must wait for the previous copy or branch operation to complete before you proceed with another copy operation.