What's New in Windchill RV&S > Release Highlights: Windchill RV&S
Release Highlights: Windchill RV&S
The Windchill RV&S release provides many major enhancements in each of the following functional areas.
Refreshed Web Interface
Major Refreshed Web Interface enhancements:
Home Page Enhancements
Introduction of Column Manager (with clear all and column reset) and Replace Table for Home Page tables.
Introduction of the Favorite Items table and ability to expand or collapse table bookmarks panel.
Introduction of Project Filter to optimize table load time for Home Page tables (other than Favorite Items and Recently Viewed tables).
Ability to replace, delete, or add system default tables (other than Favorite Items and Recently Viewed tables).
DocStudio Enhancements
Ability to create bookmarks and cross-references for content in the rich text fields.
Ability to create copies of documents.
Ability to mark documents as favorites and later access them from the Favorite Items table.
Introduction of Auto Apply option to apply the changes automatically after editing.
Introduction of AutoFit Row Height option to reload the content pane and automatically adjust the row height after editing.
Ability to add, delete, and edit Attachments, Logging Text, User, Group, IBPL, and Parameters fields.
Item View Enhancements
Ability to view the workflow of an item in the new Workflow tab in Item View.
Improved user experience while editing multi-value User, Group, and IBPL fields.
General Enhancements
Ability to add related items in Item View and DocStudio by entering Item IDs or copy-pasting comma-separated values (CSV).
Ability to add related items in Item View and DocStudio by selecting items from system queries.
Ability to switch to List View (from Grid View) to compact field display for fields appearing in equal-sized tiles.
Ability to copy and export cell content from Relationship Viewer.
Workflows and Documents
Major workflows and documents enhancements:
Ability to delete live, versioned, and branched documents from the Windchill RV&S database.
Introduction of the new im deletesegment command to delete documents.
Ability to generate a report of all the factors blocking the delete operation.
Ability to evaluate the document structure and its relationships.
Ability to set the rich text editor toolbar mode to wrap, floating, or scrolling depending on the requirement.
Ability to use HTTP/2 protocol for Swing and CLI clients in secure mode.
Improvement in performance during batch editing of multiple items by using parallel processing.
Windchill RV&S OSLC Enhancements
Major OSLC enhancements:
Added support for resource shapes (for supported domains and resources).
Added support for query using multiple fields with logical operators (with GET and POST methods).
Ability to view reverse lookup information for Windchill items in Windchill RV&S.
Platform Support
For the most current information on supported Windchill RV&S product versions, platforms, web browsers, databases, and Windchill RV&S integrations, see the PTC Release Advisor.