服务器管理 > Presentations > Presentation Templates > Editing Presentation Template
Editing Presentation Template
After you have created a presentation template, you can edit that template as required. You edit an existing presentation template through the Edit Type window using the Edit function.
The presentation template designer does not include an undo function. You can preview all your changes before saving them by clicking Preview. Once you are satisfied with the changes you have made, click Save to retain those changes. Try to save at frequent intervals to avoid losing your work.
If you have made changes and cannot correct them, close the template immediately without saving it to discard those changes. You can then reopen the earlier version of the template with all your desired changes intact and continue editing.
You can also edit the default template, though it is recommended that you edit a copy of the default template instead. When editing the default template, you can modify or delete the Relationships and Attachments tabs. However, other tabs, such as Change Packages and History, are not editable and are not viewable in the presentation template designer.
To edit a presentation template
To edit grids in a presentation template