Refreshed Web Interface > About Editing in DocStudio > Resolving Conflicts
Resolving Conflicts
When multiple users make changes to an item at the same time, the first user’s changes are saved. After the second user makes changes to the item and attempts to save them, DocStudio alerts the second user that another user also made changes to the item. The second user cannot save the changes to the item until the editing conflicts are resolved.
The following scenarios describe how conflicts are resolved during editing:
Conflict Resolution
Two users are simultaneously editing different fields on the same item.
When the last user saves the changes, the Resolve Conflict window opens with the Auto Resolve option selected and highlighted.
When last user clicks Save, changes made by all the users are saved.
When last user clicks Cancel, changes made by first user are saved and changes made by last user are discarded.
Two users are simultaneously editing the same field on the same item.
When the last user saves the changes, the Resolve Conflict window opens with the Save my changes option selected and highlighted.
When last user clicks Save my changes, only the changes made by last user are saved.
When last user clicks Cancel, only the changes made by first user are saved and changes made by last user are discarded.