Constraints in the Refreshed Web Interface
Constraints are applicable to fields in the
Refreshed Web Interface. If a constraint is violated during edit or create operations, an appropriate error message is displayed. For example, if a constraint has been created to restrict the value of a field within a range, an error message is displayed if a value is specified outside the range. For more information on constraints, see the topic.
Managing Constraints.
Key Considerations
• When constraints are applied:
◦ Some fields can become mandatory due to change in other fields.
◦ All mandatory fields and tabs that contain mandatory fields are indicated with a red asterisk during edit operations.
◦ Fields become editable or non-editable.
◦ Filtered values are displayed in lists.
• The Edit option for the item is disabled if an item is not editable due to some of the following reasons:
◦ Your group is not authorized to edit items in the current state or any target state.
◦ Your group is not authorized to modify mandatory fields that are not specified.
◦ The item you are editing is currently in an end state.
◦ The item editability rule set for the type is not met.
For further assistance, contact your administrator.
• It is recommended to restart the Administration client to ensure that constraints get applied to fields after making changes.
• After performing an Undo operation, the original constraints set on the field are applicable, whereas after a Redo operation, the most recent constraints set on the field are applicable.