Refreshed Web Interface > About Refreshed Web Interface
About Refreshed Web Interface
This section in the Windchill RV&S Help Center provides information about the features available in the browser-based user interface, Refreshed Web Interface.
The Refreshed Web Interface can be accessed from the current Web UI and uses the same backing data model as accessed from Windchill RV&S client. The following features in the Refreshed Web Interface enhance user experience in viewing, editing and collaboration.
The first update to the Refreshed Web Interface is DocStudio (Web Interface) which can be used to view documents along with rich content and graphics. You can configure the Document Review feature which enables you to add, edit, view, delete comments as a reviewer, view all the comments as a participant, and check for the status of reviews as an author of the document. Support for DocStudio has been extended to provide document editing capability based on the review comments.
Using DocStudio, you can also create branches, versions, and document baselines.
Home Page
A modern-looking home page in the Refreshed Web Interface helps you organize all the information that you need easily.
Item View and Edit
A new look and feel for viewing items based on the existing presentation template along with item editing capabilities that include features such as editing rich text and logging text.
Relationship View
A Relationship Viewer to view relationships in a tree-structure hierarchy.
Simplified User Management
A Simplified User Management dashboard provides a 360⁰ View of group, user, and project permissions.
Cross-cutting Perspectives
A collection of contents from one or more documents presented in a single view.