Configuration du serveur > Server Properties for Workflow > Using Properties > To configure properties in the Client d'administration de Windchill RV&S
To configure properties in the Client d'administration de Windchill RV&S
integrity/si/im/aa setproperty, im/si diag
1. In the Client d'administration de Windchill RV&S, expand the node of the component whose properties you want to configure,. For example, Configuration > Properties. The Properties view appears, displaying the following default columns: Property, Value, Default Value, and Requires Boot. When you select an individual property, a details panel displays with a description of the property function.
2. By default, the data filter in the Properties view displays all properties specific to the component. You can search for a specific property by typing in the text filter. For more information, see the Filtering Data topic in the Getting Started documentation.
3. Select the property you want to edit, then select Property > Edit. The Edit Property dialog box appears, displaying the property name; current value; default, minimum, and maximum values; boot information; description; and comments.
For more detailed descriptions of properties you can set in the Client d'administration de Windchill RV&S, see the following:
“Server Configuration Properties in the Database”.
“Configuration Properties for Workflows and Documents”
“Windchill RV&S Lifecycle Manager Server Configuration Properties”.
4. In the Value field, type or use the radio buttons to assign a new value to the property. The Boot Information field indicates if the server must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Only integer values are validated. For text values, such as directory paths, make sure the directory is correct.
When specifying values for directories or file paths, use a single forward slash (/).
In the Value field, password properties display asterisks to hide values; however, the asterisks are not added to the database.
5. If desired, add comments to the Comments field explaining why the property was changed.
6. To restore the property to the default value, click Restore Default.
To save your changes, click OK. The property value is saved.