Configuration du serveur > Server Properties for Workflow > Windchill RV&S Server Configuration Properties > Server Configuration Properties in the Database
Server Configuration Properties in the Database
When the Collect Support Package diagnostic is used, a fixed set of files are collected. This parameter allows you to add additional files to that comma delimited list. Windchill RV&S Support may request that you modify this property if a diagnostic tool is installed on your system.
Limits the number of allowed values that are shown when using a constraints command. If the number of values for a constraint exceeds this limit, the allowed values are not shown in the response for that constraint.
This value can be set to any integer from -1 to 10,000. The default value is -1, which means that no limit is defined.
Specifies the backup path for the embedded Derby database.
Default is installdir/bin/backup.
Controls Windchill RV&S client URL links in e-mail notifications generated by the Windchill RV&S client and the server.
When set to true, integrity:// links are included in all client- and server-generated e-mail notifications. The Windchill RV&S URL link appears after the http:// Web URL link.
When set to false, integrity:// links are excluded from client- and server-generated e-mail notifications.
Default is true (enabled).
If this property is enabled, the following virtual fields can be added to Windchill RV&S reports using the client GUI and Web interface: Current Item ID (GUI Link), Test Case ID (GUI Link), Test Step ID (GUI Link). The virtual fields appear as hyperlinks in reports. Disabling this property does not impact Windchill RV&S reports that already contain those fields; reports that contain those fields continue to contain them even if other edits are made (unless explicitly removed by the user).
Changes to this property take effect immediately.
This property has no effect on http:// Web URL links.
For more information on Windchill RV&S client URL links, see the Centre d'aide Windchill RV&S.
Controls how frequently (in seconds) the FLEX license usage is polled and recorded in the server statistics. If multiple Windchill RV&S servers point to the same FLEX license server, enable this setting on one Windchill RV&S server.
Default is 0 (disabled).
Controls how frequently (in seconds) the realm’s group cache is refreshed in the background. The minimum allowed value is 300 seconds.
The default value is 3600 (seconds), equaling an interval of one hour.
This property is dynamically updated by the server and new values take effect as soon as the changes are saved.
For high availability fail-over server configurations, the heartbeat is the number of seconds that elapses before the secondary server starts after the primary server fails.
Default is 0 (disabled).
Controls how frequently (in seconds) the LDAP realm information is refreshed in the background. The minimum allowed value is 300 seconds.a
The default value is 43200 (seconds), equaling an interval of 12 hours.
This property is dynamically updated by the server and new values take effect as soon as the changes are saved.
Specifies additional logging categories to be modified. The policy is in the format category:level[,category:level...]. When the property is changed, the specified categories are modified. To disable a category, specify a level of -1 (do not remove the category). This property should not be modified manually, but be set by the logging command with the --permanent option.
Number of log files to maintain. If the number is exceeded when the log file rolls over, the oldest log file is deleted. This policy is only effective if logging is appropriately configured in the log4j.xml file. There must be an appender named FILE using the class mks.util.MKSRollingFileAppender. This is the default with new installations; however, older installations may require reconfiguration.
Default is 50.
E-mail address sending log error e-mail messages.
The address may not contain spaces. For example, Windchill RV&S or Windchill RV&S Administrator is not acceptable.
Subject displaying in log error e-mail messages.
Default is Windchill RV&S serverErrors.
Log messages at the specified level are e-mailed to the addresses listed in Log messages explicitly tagged for e-mail are always sent. Acceptable values include: DIAGNOSTIC, WARNING, ERROR or FATAL.
Default is FATAL.
To prevent a potentially high volume of e-mail, retain the default FATAL value.
Comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses to send Windchill RV&S server log messages to.
This property and mksis.mailserver must be configured to send log error messages.
Number of error log lines retained in memory. The log output displays recent server errors.
All lines are retained in memory, so setting the size too high can impact server performance.
Default is 50.
Number of log lines retained in memory. The log lines display recent server log output.
All lines are retained in memory, so setting the size too high can impact server performance.
Default is 500.
Controls logging of license expiry warnings.  If set to true, Windchill RV&S licenses are checked periodically and a warning is logged if a license is expired or set to expire within the next week. An e-mail message is sent to the administrators listed in the property, displaying the license expiry date, log message, and license server details.
On Windows, logging at the ERROR log level creates an event in the Application in the Event Viewer. On Linux, logging at the ERROR log level writes to the SYSLOG.
If the and mksis.mailserver properties are set, the e-mail message displays all ERROR events (including the license expiry warning).
Default is true.
If the Serveur Windchill RV&S is installed on Windows NT, this property controls logging of errors to the Windows NT event log.
Messages logged at ERROR level and above are logged to the Application event log. The source for all events is the Serveur Windchill RV&S.
To change the default logging threshold, manually create an appender and configure it manually.
Default is true.
Log file naming during rollover. When the maximum log size is reached, the log file is renamed from server.log to server.#.log. This property controls whether the # used is always 1 (and upward), or one higher than the largest number found in the log directory (this option requires renaming only one file and the log file names do not change). This property is only effective if the logging is appropriately configured in the log4j.xml file. There must be an appender named FILE using the class mks.util.RollingFileAppender. This is the default with new installations; however, older installations may require reconfiguration.
Default is true.
Size of log files (MB) before they roll over. This policy is only effective if the logging is appropriately configured in the log4j.xml file. There must be an appender named FILE using the class mks.util.MKSRollingFileAppender. This is the default with new installations; however, older installations may require reconfiguration.
Default is 10.
If the Serveur Windchill RV&S is installed on a Linux platform, this property controls logging of errors to a syslog daemon.
Messages logged at ERROR level and above are sent to the daemon.
To change the default logging threshold, manually create an appender and configure it manually.
To configure the syslog host name, configure mksis.logging.syslog.hostname.
Default is false.
Specifies the syslog host name, where errors are logged to the syslog daemon.
Default is localhost.
Name of mail server used by event trigger environment bean method sendMail(). For example, to use the emailAdvanced.js trigger script, this property must be set. Default is property not enabled.
Port of mail server used for e-mail notification and by event trigger environment bean method sendMail(). Default port is 25.
Host name or TCP/IP address of SMTP server for e-mail notification. Must specify to enable e-mail notifications, for example,
Default is :25.
You can also use this property and to e-mail Serveur Windchill RV&S log error messages. For more information, see the following properties:
Controls how frequently (in seconds) the server license usage is polled and recorded in server statistics. To disable collection of server license usage data, set to 0.
Default is 60.
Number of seconds between server statistics recordings. To aid in diagnosing intermittent performance problems, lower the value.
Default is 3600.
Duration that server statistics are purged. Acceptable values are: weekly, monthly, or none (if you plan on performing this activity manually).
Default is weekly.
This property is applicable only if you are using PTC Navigate Manage Traces. Set the value of this property to the Windchill RV&S application key that you noted during the PTC Navigate Manage Traces installation and configuration process.
For more information, see the PTC Navigate Manage Traces Installation and Configuration Guide.
This property is applicable only if you are using PTC Navigate Manage Traces. Set the value of this property to the URL of the ThingWorx WebSocket. The WebSocket protocol must specify a secure connection ( "wss://<server>:<port>/ThingWorx/WS”). A WebSocket secure (WSS) connection is required.
For more information, see the PTC Navigate Manage Traces Installation and Configuration Guide.
File containing runtime properties for event trigger environment beans. Default is data/triggers/
For any changes to take affect, the server must be restarted.
Directory location for event trigger scripts.
Default is triggers/scripts.
For any changes to take affect, the server must be restarted.
Controls how frequently (in seconds) the realm’s user cache is refreshed in the background. The minimum allowed value is 300 seconds.a
The default value is 3600 (seconds), equaling an interval of one hour.
This property is dynamically updated by the server and new values take effect as soon as the changes are saved.
Controls whether or not the Web Services temporary file deletion thread is enabled. The default value is true, allowing the deletion of temporary files.
Determines how old (in minutes) the Web Services temporary files can be before being deleted. The default value is 1440 (or 24 hours), allowing the deletion of temporary Web Services files that are 24 hours old.
Determines the frequency (in minutes) for running the Web Services temporary file deletion thread. The default value is 120 (or 2 hours), allowing the deletion thread to run every 2 hours.