Administration du serveur > Item Fields > Creating Fields > Additional Field Options
Additional Field Options
Attachment Fields: Values Tab
Display Style
Display the attachment field in table format or comma separated values (CSV) forma. Table format allows you to sort the attachments and manipulate the columns that display in the table. CSV format displays comma separated links to the attachments.
Display Rows
The number of rows to display for the attachment field when editing the item.
Integer Fields: Values Tab
Set Default Value
Default value (maximum of 9 digits)
Set Minimum Value
Minimum value (maximum of 9 digits)
Set Maximum Value
Maximum value (maximum of 9 digits)
Display as Progress Bar
Show the field’s current value graphically as a proportion of its maximum value
Computation Values
Configure the field as a computed field. For information on configuring the Computation Definition, Store to History Frequency, and How to Run Computations fields, see “Creating a Computed Field”.
Setting the Computation Values option disables the Set Default Value, Set Minimum Value, and Set Maximum Value options.
Display Pattern
Select or type a pattern to assign a format to integer field values.
Pick Fields: Values Tab
Allow Multiple Values
Allow users to select more than one value from the picklist. For example, if three company offices are defined in Windchill RV&S, users could select one, two, or all three offices when submitting an item or creating a query.
Set Default Value
Type the default value for the pick field. The default value can be any text string.
Add picklist values.
Edit the selected picklist value.
Move Up
Move Down
Change the order of the selected picklist value in the list.
Sort Alphabetically
Sort the picklist values by alphabetical label.
Remove selected picklist value(s) from the list that have not yet been saved.
Add Pick Dialog Options
Text string for the picklist value.
Number for the picklist value.
Make picklist value active. By default, picklist values are active. To deactivate the picklist value, clear the Active check box.
Use Custom Image
Browse for the image file. If you choose to use your own custom icon image, the image must be in GIF or JPEG format, and no larger than 24 (width) by 16 (height) pixels.
No Image
No image associated with the value.
Floating Point Fields: Values Tab
Set Default Value
Set Minimum Value
Set Maximum Value
Set the default, minimum, or maximum value. You can enter a negative exponent using the E number notation, for example, -123.1E-3.
Specify a maximum of 15 digits. When edited in the Web interface only 12 digits are simultaneously visible.
Computation Values
Configure as a computed field. For information on configuring the Computation Definition, Store to History Frequency, and How to Run Computations fields, see “Creating a Computed Field”.
Setting the Computation Values option disables the Set Default Value, Set Minimum Value, and Set Maximum Valueoptions.
Display Pattern
Select or type a display pattern to assign a format to floating point field values. For more information on, see the Display Patterns topic in the Getting Started documentation.
Logical Data Fields: Values Tab
Set Default Value
true or false
Display As
Specifies the display of logical field values. By default, Drop Down displays a logical field as true or false values. Checkbox displays a logical field as a checkbox (a checkbox that is checked indicates a true value and a clear checkbox indicates a false value).
Display “true” As
Specifies the custom value that represents how the true value displays in a logical field, for example, yes. The maximum number of characters is 100 and this option is only valid if the Display As field is set to Drop Down and the Display “false” As field is set to a custom value.
Specifying custom values for logical fields impacts existing custom scripts that use the default true and false values. PTC recommends reviewing the scripts and making necessary modifications to reflect new custom values.
Display “false” As
Specifies the custom value that represents how the false value displays in a logical field, for example, no. The maximum number of characters is 100 and this option is only valid if the Display As field is set to Drop Down and the Display “true” As field is set to a custom value.
Computation Values
Configure the field as a computed field. For information on configuring the Computation Definition, Store to History Frequency, and How to Run Computations fields, see “Creating a Computed Field”.
Setting the Computation Values option disables the Set Default Valueoptions.
Date Fields: Values Tab
Include time
Include the time with the date. Time is specified from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 inclusive in 24 hour format; however, Windchill RV&S displays the time in 12 hour format. For example, specifying 13:56:45 displays the time as 1:56:45 PM.
Once you include the time and save the date field, you cannot change the date field to display the date only.
Displayed date fields do not change based on the time zone that a user is operating in; however, displayed date/time fields vary based on the time zone that a user is operating in.
Set Default Value
Set Minimum Value
Set Maximum Value
Specify default, minimum, and maximum values, by selecting one or more of these options and clicking Change
Computation Values
Configure the field as a computed field. For information on configuring the Computation Definition, Store to History Frequency, and How to Run Computations fields, see “Creating a Computed Field”.
Selecting the Computation Values option disables the Set Default Value, Set Minimum Value, and Set Maximum Value options.
Short Text Fields: Values Tab
Set Default Value
Type a default value
Maximum Length
Maximum length for the field. Note the following:
Decreasing the value does not truncate existing data nor affect how data is displayed in the Items view.
When editing an item with a field containing legacy data that exceeds the new maximum value, submitting the item is unaffected if the affected field contents are unaltered by the user.
When editing legacy field data that exceeds the new maximum value, the user is bound by the new maximum value and must reduce the data in order to submit the item.
If logging is enabled for the field prior to reducing the maximum value, the logging field effectively becomes read-only.
Increasing the maximum number of characters for a field contributes to the portion of the maximum row width used in the database table. Ensure that the changes you make are sustainable for future table data in your database. For more information, consult the documentation provided by the vendor for the database used.
This value is used for both the Windchill RV&S client and Web interface. However, when the user edits a field in the Web interface, only 70 characters are simultaneously visible in the editable box.
Suggestions are text that appear in the short text field and can be overwritten by the user. Use the buttons on the right side of the field to work with suggestions.
Substitute Parameters
If a user specifies a parameter in this field using the following format {{<parameter  name>}}, then this parameter name is replaced with a parameter value when you view the item through a view or report that supports parameter substitution.
Computation Values
Configure the field as a computed field. For information on configuring the Computation Definition, Store to History Frequency, and How to Run Computations fields, see “Creating a Computed Field”.
Selecting the Computation Values option disables the Set Default Value option.
Create a text search index
Queries against this field will be treated as word searches. This field will be searched by the All Fields text search query. This option is also required to include this short text field for duplicate detection searches.
When viewing a parameter or parameter value field, all the fields on the Values tab are hidden except for Maximum Length, Display Rows and Create a text search index.
Long Text Fields: Values Tab
Set Default Value
Type a default value.
If you enable the Rich Content option, a toolbar displays, allowing you to apply rich content.
Maximum Length
Enter a maximum length for the field. Note the following:
Decreasing the value does not truncate existing data nor affect how data is displayed in the Items view.
When editing an item with a field containing legacy data that exceeds the new maximum value, submitting the item is unaffected if the affected field contents are unaltered by the user.
When editing legacy field data that exceeds the new maximum value, the user is bound by the new maximum value and must reduce the data in order to submit the item.
If logging is enabled for the field prior to reducing the maximum value, the logging field effectively becomes read-only.
When you set the maximum field length for long text fields that are configured for rich text, keep in mind that some symbols, especially those used outside the USA, may require multiple characters worth of storage for their representation. Use the maximum field length as a general guideline rather than as an absolute number.
Increasing the maximum number of characters for a field contributes to the portion of the maximum row width used in the database table. Ensure that the changes you make are sustainable for future table data in your database. For more information, consult the documentation provided by the vendor for the database used.
Display Rows
Number of rows to display in the Item Details. The maximum is 80 rows.
In the edit mode for a rich content field, the row size is set to 25 rows for the field.
Specify if the field logs user entries. Logging text fields limit the user to making new entries in the field and, therefore, do not permit the user to edit data that was entered previous to the last time the item was saved.
Each time the user saves an item after making an entry in a logging text field, the user ID, entry date, and entry time are logged and then displayed as a stamp above the entry. The stamp uses approximately 30 characters per entry and must be taken into account when setting the maximum field length.
The following are the available options :
None specifies that the field is not a logging field.
Most Recent First specifies that the order of the data in the log is always ascending with the user’s editable area located above the log.
Most Recent Last specifies that the order of the data in the log is always descending with the user’s editable area located below the log.
Rich Content
Configure field as a rich content field. Rich content enhances the display of text in long text fields by adding formatted text, tables, background colors, images, and hyperlinks. This option is enabled by default and does not support logging text fields.
You can convert rich content fields back to long text fields; however, any existing rich content is displayed as HTML tags and attributes.
Because rich content is expressed using a limited set of HTML elements and attributes, you can define screen and printer Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) that ensure a consistent look when viewing and printing rich content field data in different Web browsers.
Default Attachment Field
The field that images are retrieved from in the item when images are inserted into a rich content field using an attachment field. The default is the default Attachment field.
Substitute Parameters
If a user specifies a parameter in this field using the following format {{<parameter  name>}}, then this parameter name is replaced with a parameter value when you view the item through a view or report that supports parameter substitution.
Create a text search index
Queries against the field will be treated as word searches. The field will be searched by the All Fields text search query.
User Fields: Values Tab
Allow Multiple Values
Allow multiple users to be selected in the user list. Allowing multiple values for a user field facilitates group development. For example, if you allowed multiple values for the Assigned User field, you could assign multiple users to an item, enabling them to work in parallel on the same item.
Set Default Value
Click the list, and select a default user from the selection panel that displays. If the field allows multiple values, you can select multiple default values.
If you change a multi-valued field to a single-valued field and multiple default values are selected, all selections are cleared except the first selection in the list.
The symbolic -me- is not available for custom user fields.
Group Fields: Values Tab
Allow Multiple Values
Allow multiple groups to be selected in the group list. Allowing multiple values for a group field facilitates group development. For example, if you allowed multiple values for the Assigned Group field, you could assign multiple groups to an item, enabling them to work in parallel on the same item.
Set Default Value
Click the list, and select a group from the selection panel that displays. If the field allows multiple values, you can select multiple default values.
If you change a multi-valued field to a single-valued field and multiple default values are selected, all selections are cleared except the first selection in the list.
The symbolic -me- is not available for custom user fields.
Phase Fields: Values Tab
Add a phase to the Phases list.
Edit the phase selected in the Phases list.
You cannot edit the Out of Phase phase. This phase identifies the states that are not included in any user defined phase.
Move Up
Move Down
Change the order of a selected phase in the list
Remove All
Remove one or more selected phases from the list, or remove all phases
Add Phase Dialog Box Options
Assign a text string to the phase
Available States
Select the states that are included in the phase, and add them to the Phase States.
No two phases can use the same state.
Use Custom Image
Assign an icon image to the phase. Browse for the image file. The image must be in GIF or JPEG format, and no larger than 24 (width) by 16 (height) pixels.
No Image
No image associated with the phase
Query Backed Relationship Fields: Values Tab
Select a query that determines what items are displayed in the field. Only administrator queries appear in the list.
Field Correlation
Correlate a field contained in the item with a field in the items returned by the query. This allows you to return even more specific query results.
For example, if you create a query backed relationship field called Defects for the Feature type, and select Project as the Source Field and Project as the Target Field, the Defects field displays all Defect items that have the same project as the one specified in the Feature type’s Project field.
This option is not mandatory; however, if it is not specified, the list of relationships returned does not change with different items.
Display Style
Display the items in table format or in a comma separated values (CSV) format. The table format allows you to sort the items and manipulate the columns that display in the table. The CSV format only displays the IDs of the items.
Display Rows
The number of rows to display for the query backed relationship field when editing the item. You can specify from five to 80 rows.
Wrapped table content
Display wrapped table content for the query backed relationship field when editing the item.
Source Link Fields: Values Tab
Display Style
Display the trace information in table format or in a comma separated values (CSV) format. The table format displays all source link field value attributes (for source links and source traces) and allows you to sort the items and manipulate the columns that display in the table. The CSV format displays a subset of source trace attributes.
Display Rows
The number of rows to display for the source link field when editing the item. You can specify from five to 80 rows.
When the Trace option is enabled, specifies that the field be created as a source link field with trace enabled (that can contain a source trace as a value). If the Trace option is not enabled, the field is created as a standard source link field.
This option can only be specified when creating a field, and cannot be changed when a field is edited.